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Make your live is better.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Medical transcription outsourcing: Helps in managing total quality

The concept of quality in healthcare services can be easily defined for each stakeholder who is involved in the healthcare business. Considering the number of stakeholders in the healthcare process the definition of quality for each segment would vary according to their role in the healthcare process.  One common indisputable thread that binds all the stakeholders in the healthcare process is that of documentation of the care process.  Quality documentation of the care process is essential to fulfill all the diverse and often contradictory demands of all stakeholders.Medical transcription is the process of documenting the care process by converting the dictation of the patient- healthcare professional encounter into text format. As the medical transcription process requires focused...

Control your future

"You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands - your own." ~ Mark Victor Hansen - How are you putting your future into your own hands tod...

The March HIT Standards Committee Meeting

The March HIT Standards Committee meeting focused on the Stage 2 Meaningful Use work ahead, the Direct Project, certificate management, provider directories, devices, and plans to ensure the certification process has the tools and scripts it needs to reduce the burden on vendors and self-certifiers.Farzad Mostashari, Acting National Coordinator, began the meeting with a discussion of the trajectory we're on.   We're guided by policy outcomes - improved quality, safety, and efficiency.   The work in 2011 will include the regulatory effort to finalize Stage 2 of Meaningful Use and its accompanying standards and certification criteria.   Efforts will be guided by the new Federal HIT Strategic Plan and will require the hard working teams of volunteers that staff the Policy committee,...

Health Bloggers Can Earn a Little Extra Something

WEGO Health is a different kind of social media company whose mission is to empower the top 10% of online health social media contributors to connect with each other and with healthcare companies. They call these people Health Activists. Food Allergy Assistant is one of them.WEGO Health is setting up an Insight Panel (online focus group) for parents who blog about family health, nutrition, parenting and more. I’ve already signed up, but I wanted to make sure that all of you knew about the opportunity as well. The Insight Panel will last about an hour and all participants will receive a $25 gift card for their participation. They’re still scheduling the actual Panel, but WEGO wanted to start sharing this with people now.If you’re interested in participating in this Panel (or...

6 Tips to Improve Hospital Employee Engagement

Memorial Health System in Springfield, Ill., embarked on a journey several years ago to improve its employee engagement. In a 2004 survey of employees at Memorial Medical Center (the health system’s flagship hospital), employee engagement scored in the 30th percentile nationally. As a result, making Memorial Health System "a great to place work" was established as one of the health system’s three strategies. Over the next five years, the system steadily improved in this area, and in 2010, the hospital scored in the 94th percentile for employee satisfaction. The system has been named an "Employer of Choice" for three years, and its affiliate, Memorial Physician Services, earned the award twice before the system applied as a whole. Brad Warren, senior vice president and chief people officer,...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Medical transcription outsourcing: An in-depth analysis

In today's world, most businesses are viewing outsourcing some part of their operations as an effective solution to decrease costs and increase focus on their core business. The healthcare sector is no different. The healthcare process is complex and depends on many quality inputs to deliver services that meet high standards. Many parts of the core healthcare process cannot be outsourced; however certain portions that provide support to the healthcare process like medical transcription can be outsourced.Medical transcription has an important role to play in the healthcare process by chronicling the patient – healthcare professional encounter in a manner that reflects accurate information. Outsourcing medical transcription adds to the efficiency of operations by ensuring turnaround time as...



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