Make your live is better

Make your live is better.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Discharge redux

Denise is home again! Though the discharge time was 9am, it took a while to get everything ironed out (meds questions, discharging doctor's signature, etc.). We signed the discharge papers at 1:05pm, the wheelchair guy came about an hour later, and we were off! We just walked/rolled in the door about fifteen minutes ago! Later this afternoon a home care nurse is coming to check on Denise, which sets my mind at ease.The whole drive home in the rain, she was thinking of restaurants along the way that she might like to eat at for dinner. She's not eating much, but that she WANTS to eat is a good thing! The kids are with a friend today & overnight so things are calm & quite. My cousin (webmaster, guest map guy, email list guy, real good cook) is here catering to our every whim and unreasonable...

Friday, December 30, 2005

Discharge changed to Saturday 9am

Plans changed, life happened, I'm going to pick Denise up from the hospital at 9am tomorrow morning. Again, pray that everything that we've requested to have checked and in place will be taken care of, AND that we won't have to go back for any more stays in the hospital. Last weekend's discharge/E.R./readmit experience was an abysmal disappointment.Today Gracie promised she'd "be nice to mommy this time." She was really traumatized by seeing mommy so sick & throwing up all the time last weekend, and it seems that she feels responsible for her going back to the hospital. I've reassured her that nothing happened to mommy because of her, except for smiles on mommy's face.Jacob's pediatrician said that x-ray is iffy... a finger could be broken, or not. But since the radiologist won't be in...

Discharge today, Jake's fingers

Prayer time.I got a call around 10am saying that they wanted to try to discharge Denise at 1pm today. Notice was too short, and I've spent all my time running around and on the phone today. I must admit that while I'm excited about wanting her home, I'm gun-shy after last weekend's discharge disaster. And here we go again, with another holiday weekend discharge. I guess that she's supposed to be gone before midnight. There doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it. I don't want to sign anything until all the ducks are in a row, so pull that line for us. More details later about what went on today. I just wanted to throw the concerns out there early.Right now I'm off to take Jacob to the doctor. Gracie crushed his fingers in a door this morning, and I'm not sure if there's a break or what....

Thursday, December 29, 2005

How To Drop Weight and Become Healthier Using These 7 Simple Everyday Life Tips?

These days more and more people are getting intellectual instead ofphysical jobs. Sitting in the office chairs all-day long has becomea norm for many of us. Stress, busyness and rush make us forgetabout regular food and stuff our stomachs with cheeseburgers andsodas, which don't do anything good for our bodies.As a result of such crazy life rhythm, we rarely find time forexercises, gyms or balanced nutrition. As a matter of fact, it's oneof the reasons why there are now more that 60% of U.S citizens thathave overweight. However, it is possible to change your lifestyleand lose your weight if you are willing to.These 7 day-to-day life tips provided below will help you to dropyour extra pounds, become more energetic and healthier.1. Drink More WaterOur bodies need a lot of water. Water removes...

PT visitor, SMA syndrome? Granulomas? Med change-up

We're still waiting to see if Denise comes home this weekend, or stays through the weekend. The USC doctor paid another visit today and said he thought that everything revolves around nutrition, and he's concerned about her staying in the hospital and losing ground. True. The hospitalist then came in and said she put in a request for rehab. A PT came by to do a rehab evaluation. The good news is that Denise is strong enough to not need to go to rehab. The bad news is that if she doesn't go to rehab, she either stays in the regular room and only gets PT/OT once a day, or she goes home for this weekend (and I already stated my concerns in a previous post). She used her walker to do a circuit around the nurse's station. It's not nearly the distance she did in rehab, but it's much farther than...

HPV - A Virus That Puts Women At Increased Risk For Cervical Cancer

by: News CanadaA Simple Lab Test Could Save Your Life(NC)-Did you know that one of the most common sexually transmitted infections, called Human Papillomavirus (HPV), is also the leading cause of cervical cancer in women? And that HPV is the most common cause of abnormal Pap smears?Virtually all cases of cervical cancer are preventable if detected in the pre-cancerous stage. "Although the Pap smear has reduced deaths caused by cervical cancer, it does not detect the Human Papillomavirus, the primary cause of essentially all cervical cancer." SaysDr Alicia Sarabia, Medical Microbiologist for MDS Laboratory Services. "The MDS HPV test can be easily done through your doctor's office."How are HPV infections detected?The new HPV test can detect the DNA of cancer-associated HPV virus in cervical...

Cancer - Cervical Smears - Women's Health

by: Fritz FreiAll women at some point in their life will have to have a cervical smear as a part of a health checkup. But do you know exactly what a cervical smear is, and how it can affect, diagnose or treat women's ailments? Read on for more information about this common procedure.Women's Health: What is a Cervical Smear?A cervical smear is a test used on women to tell if there are any changes in the health of the cervix. This is helpful to diagnose the early stages of cancer.The cervix is located at the end of the uterus, and connects to the top of the vagina. There is a central canal that connects the vagina to the inside of the uterus, and it measures approximately 3cm square.Women's Health: Why Have a Cervical Smear?The main reason to have a cervical smear is to monitor the health of...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

G.I. tract seems OK, Appetite returning

This morning Denise had to down some barium and they performed some x-rays to see what's going on in the G.I. tract. As of tonight, nothing's wrong. She's holding her liquid diet down. We slipped up and she ate some of the Payday bar that I brought for her. This was after the barium went in, so it was OK for her to take things by mouth, though solid food may not have been OK quite yet. This afternoon she asked if I could bring her some antipasto salad. It's a good sign that food is sounding appetizing again. But since she was still supposed to be getting only clear liquids, I couldn't bring her the requested food.I'm still waiting to hear/see the results of the ultrasound, echocardiogram, and today's procedure with the barium. Denise said that the doctor from USC came by today and opined that...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Flu? Urinary tract infection, Call for PT/OT visitors

Hopefully Denise just had a bout of flu. She's on a clear liquid diet. She not eating much, but what she is eating is staying down and she's feeling a little better, though very tired. They put her on an antibiotic (Levaquin) due to a urinary tract infection. Her hospitalist (doctor in charge of her medical status, not her doctor in charge of her rehab status) ordered her up an echocardiogram, thinking that Denise's heart meds might not be necessary. That'd be nice. Apparently the hospitalist was on call the weekend of the discharge, but wasn't notified of Denise's vomiting. Also, she and my nurse aunt both looked at the "illegible" Tigan prescription and both of them were able to read it, and didn't understand why the prescription wasn't filled. The hospitalist also pointed out that we should...

Monday, December 26, 2005

Back in the hospital, Christmas in E.R., RX goofiness

Denise has been admitted back into the hospital because she's nauseated and can't hold any food or meds down. She's in room 4514 and visiting hours are 11am-8pm (there's no rehab going on, so you won't be interrupting anything). Phone number to her room is 626-535-6716. Email her at and I'll print it out on and read it to her.I took Denise to Huntington's E.R. yesterday morning at 10am. She started vomiting the night before her discharge (Friday night), and was still vomiting the morning of discharge. This was thought to possibly be due to dinner not agreeing with her, the excitement & nervousness of going home,...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Going back to the E.R.

Denise hasn't been able to hold down any food or meds. As a result, it's been recommended that we go back to the E.R. at Huntington this morning to get Denise checked o...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Home for Christmas Eve!

Here are pictures taken in the last moments of Denise’s hospital stay. We're glad she's here instead of in the hospital. But Denise had a rough first day at home. She was nauseated the previous night at the hospital, and the ride home was bumpy & upset her stomach. Both of the kids are feeling a little under the weather, so I had quite a challenge today. There was also a problem getting all her prescriptions filled. I didn’t get the prescriptions until today. When I went to pick everything up, I found out that some of what Denise needs is not very common, and there were only a couple tablets… not enough to get us through the Christmas weekend...

I'm leaving to pick up Denise!

I just talked to the hospital a while ago, and they told me I can come & sign the discharge papers with Denise any time. So I'm leaving to pick her up & bring her home! Let's pull for a smooth transition from round-the-clock professional care at the hospital to being stuck with little ol' me at ho...

Friday, December 23, 2005

Discharge scheduled for tomorrow, Sick Jacob

Here is this year's Christmas picture. It was taken a couple of weeks ago in the courtyard just outside Denise's rehab building.The countdown continues! One more day until Denise can come back home. Denise's PICC line was removed today. No more tubes, needles, or hoses! She's scheduled to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, probably around noon. She didn't visit home today because she had too much to do in the hospital. That's probably just as well... Jacob's running a fever. Just when I thought things couldn't get much more interesting or hectic, they did. Now I'm nervous about Denise coming home with a sick kid in the house. Pray that...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Home visit for three hours

This picture is blurry and dark, but you get the idea: Happy to visit home! You can click on the picture a couple times and it will enlarge with each click (yes, that works with all the pictures that have been posted). The purpose of the visit was mainly to do a trial run with Denise in the house... easing into things and working the bugs out. The kids were gone visiting a children's museum with a teacher from my school, and came for the last hour of the visit. Gracie told Denise, "You're the best surprise!" One of Denise's therapists met us at the house and had Denise work through several scenarios... getting in & out of a normal bed, fitting...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

First car ride, School Luncheon, Landscaping

Denise got a pass to leave for a few hours today. So I drove her to my school for the Christmas luncheon. It was her first ride in a car in five months (I don't count the ambulance rides). When we got to the school, she got a standing ovation from the people I work with. The superintendent said that every year has a best and worst day. For him, the worst was a day on which we thought we'd lose Denise. The best was today, seeing her roll into the auditorium. Yup.A bunch of my students are in a Brownie troop. They, along with some of their family members and one of my friends, were doing a service project at my house when I got home today. They...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Picture of Denise Walking, Cold feet warm up

Enough pictures of Denise in a wheelchair or bed-bound. Here's one of her walking again! That hand off to the right belongs to one of our favorite people: a physical therapist that's been working Denise's tail off and bringing about glorious moments like this one here.I got to speak with the rehab doctor that's in charge of Denise, as well as her physical & occupational therapists. I'm much more comfortable about the thought of her coming home now, and some of the reasons follow. The rehab doctor assured me that if anything's wrong, she's not going home. She's been good enough to be allowed to leave for our lunch & dinner dates. To address...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Two laps, Five stairs steps, Cold feet, The bath story

For some reason, this blog showed only a blank white page for several hours today. I republished the blog, reloaded the web page, and everything seems to be back to normal. Sorry for the inconvenience.Denise used her walker to complete two laps around the rehab corridor today. Her therapist also had her take five steps down and then back up the stairwell, using the handrail. All the food stayed down again today. In fact, we found a new snack that she loves. At Dollar Tree I found a wheel of Tiger Gruyere (pasteurized processed cheese food) and a bag of Bacon & Cheddar 'Tato Skins snack chips. She really liked opening up a little foil triangle of wannabe gruyere and spreading it on the 'Tato Skins chips. Loaded with protein, fat, carbs, and sodium... what could be better at packing on the...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Five Month Hospital Anniversary

Denise has been in the hospital for five months. We marked the anniversary (insert eye roll here) by going off the hospital grounds to the Thai restaurant again. On our date she ate well, and looked gorgeous as usual. During therapy she walked all the way around the floor again, and rolled around even more. She figures that if she can use a walker to go the 300 feet through the hallway, she can get around the house as well. She completed wrapping our Christmas gifts (it's part of her occupational therapy). I can see the improvement in the wrapping job over the last week. Looks like her coordination, strength, and endurance continue to improve slowly but surely. We want her to eat more.Shortly after I got home tonight, the doorbell rang and a family sang & handed me a ham. Can life get...

Saturday, December 17, 2005

100.3 pounds, 3 stair steps, Ramp completed

Denise *stood* on a scale and was excited to be back up to 100.3 pounds. In fact, she was standing lots today. She even went up and down three steps in the stairwell. She was scared, but she did it! During our visit, she needed to go to the bathroom. After calling the nurse for help, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, used the bedrail to hoist herself up to a sitting position, pushed off the bed and shuffled (holding the bedrail & wheelchair armrest) & turned toward the chair. For the grand finale, she eased down into the chair... no plopping. She's getting good at this.Her doctor from USC came by during our evening visit &...

Friday, December 16, 2005

One and a half laps, Movie night picture

It has been a good day! First of all, look at this picture from our movie night at the hospital tonight. For the first time, Denise completed one lap around the rehab floor corridor this morning (that's 300 feet) with rest stops! She did another half lap later in the day. She ate well, and the food stayed down. The doctor thought it might be fun to take Denise out for a short shopping trip tomorrow. We'll see about that. I'm not much into shopping. In fact, she wanted a nice wool coat for Christmas. So I ran to the local Burlington Coat Factory and found one like what she described within five minutes of entering the store. Then I stood in line...

Work day 8am Saturday December 17

Work day at our place 8am tomorrow to ready the house for Denise's return home on Christmas Eve. Contact neighbor Robert (, who's coordinating this day for us, or just show up any time at 2328 Oakhaven Drive in Duarte. Four of us so far... not bad for throwing this together last-minute, this close to Christmas. The more the merrier. The focus will be on the interior (except for the wheelchair ramp), though we do have some gardening & other outdoorsy things to do. Even coming for an hour would be enough time to knock an item off of Denise's honey-do li...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

New exercises, Flashbacks, HELP: Zoo, Baby corral

For exercises, Denise had to get on her hands & knees and try to crawl. Her arms couldn't support her upper body and move at the same time. She's also starting to do squats. There was a stroll to end of the hall, rest, and stroll all the way back to her room. While standing, she wrapped her grandpa's Christmas gift. Not bad. One of her visitors dropped of a fruit smoothie for her. She gulped down lots of it too fast and threw up. After that episode, she wanted to finish the smoothie, but the nurse didn't think it was a good idea. Too much good stuff, too fast.We're thinking of trying to get Denise to come home on December 23rd. The idea came up that if she came home on the 24th and then we needed some help at home, it would be harder to get. Denise said that the rehab doctor thought that...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sore from workouts, Endocrinologist visit, Advent cheating

Denise is working hard and sore from it. Think of finally going to the gym after a long absence and trying to max out on everything. She's discouraged because she feels she's not going to make enough progress to get home on the target date. Usually when she did weight exercises, she went for toning: lots of reps, little bit of weight. So she's not used to what they've got her doing now, which is in effect maxing out to the point of muscle failure to build the muscle up. She called my aunt (the nurse), who cheered her on and pointed out that she was only able to take a few steps a while ago and is doing much better now. Also, as she regains her strength & coordination, the progress will come quicker. As of today, she was able to walk all the way to the beginning of the third stretch of...

Work day: Wheelchair ramp, etc.

A neighbor is pulling together a work day at our house for this weekend. The goal is to build a wheelchair ramp and possibly take care of some "honey-do" list items before Denise (hopefully) gets home the following Christmas weekend. Contact Robert at for detai...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Discharge Dec 24?

Wow! The rehab doctor told us that it's possible for Denise to be discharged to go home on December 24. Of course if there are lingering issues, that date will be pushed back. More details later. The news was just so encouraging that I couldn't wait to get home & post ...

Walk with no rest stops, Another lunch date

This morning's post covers yesterday, Monday Dec 12...A first: Denise used a walker and walked from her room to the end of her hall *without* sitting down along the way! Then she walked most of the way back. I didn't realize this, but in previous perambulations, she had to take a few rest stops. Not this time. She started wearing athletic shoes and said that they relieve some of the pain of walking. The crew sitting at the nurse's station cheered her on. I love that she walks down the hall and the staff will stop what they're doing for a few seconds to watch & encourage her as she walks by. Denise said that she kept going because I brought Jacob with me and "dangled him in front of her like a carrot." Jacob does have pink eye, but the doctor said he can get back to the regular world after...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

96 pounds, Pink-eye Jake?

Denise weighed in at 96 pounds today, after eating. We were excited that she made it back up to 100 a few days ago. After all that we stuffed into our pie holes yesterday, this news is disappointing. Move these items to the top of the prayer checklist: Nutrition (eat plenty without vomiting, avoid reinsertion of the feeding tube) and strength/endurance (she wants to do more on her own). You've helped pull, tug & hoist her through biggies like acute respiratory distress syndrome, loss of the baby, failing oxygenation, almost unworkable blood pressure & cardiac status, inability to speak or move, kidney failures, seizure, poor liver function, digestive halts, extended medically-induced coma, multiple life-threatening infections, high fevers, ventilator dependency... on and on. So by...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Milestone: Lunch date outside of the hospital

Just look at this picture from our lunch date today. Ain't she cute? Whether you've been praying, giving medical care, or supporting her in any of the other ways, you've had a hand in making this moment. Thank you!She threw up just a little bit before we even ordered. We like to think it was attributed to her being shaken up like a can of soda while going over all the brickwork & pavers during the wheelchair ride to the restaurant. But after that, she was fine. Tempura veggies, chicken satay, pad thai noodles, iced tea, coconut & Thai tea ice cream... it all went down happily and stayed put. When a person's as weak as Denise is, it's...

Friday, December 9, 2005

Room change, Wound vac discontinued

Denise has been moved across the hall. Her new info:Huntington Hospital - Room 4102 in the La Vina building (park in the lot off of Pasadena Ave.)Phone number to room: (626)535-6434Visiting hours: 3pm-8pm M-F, any time on weekendsEmail her by clicking here, include "Denise Williams 4102" in the subject line.Why did she move? Maybe they wanted her to have a nicer view out the windows. Maybe she needed an even smaller room. I don't know. The crew was very nice and even put all her pictures & a cardboard nativity scene she made a few years ago back on the wall. Tonight I added a mini Christmas tree with lights to her decor.She didn't walk all the way around the corridor, but she did go farther than yesterday. Her occupational therapist had her make a poinsettia out of construction paper....

Halfway around the corridor

Short but sweet: Denise's longest walking trip yesterday was going halfway around the rehab corridor. Today they're going to see if they can get her all the way around using the walker. No vomiting, and Payday candy bars seem to be good to her tummy, and are favorable in the calorie and protein departments. For occupational therapy, she has the task of wrapping Christmas gifts for people. I think she should do it for ti...

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Walking with walker, Weekend pass

Hey, everybody! I'm going out on a hot date on Saturday! It's true... they're letting me take Denise in a wheelchair out for lunch on Saturday. She heard there was a Thai place across the street, so she's made up her mind that we're going there. Notta problem. This afternoon I got the crash course in how to handle the wheelchair. After that, her PT allowed Denise to show off, using a walker to walk 78 feet (that's on top of the 50 feet she walked this morning). She did even more as I was leaving for the afternoon. It was slow going and took tremendous effort, but she did it. One therapist said that today was the day that her progress exploded. I've been staying out of the rehab during the day unless Denise invites me. So going from seeing her unable to stand without some help to being able...

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Lunch out? Better PT day

Being able to eat a meal together as a family is a wonderful thing, and here's a photo to prove it. Get a load of this: Denise told me that her doctor thought I might be able to take her out to a restaurant for lunch this weekend! I just need to receive the wheelchair/walker orientation from a PT. I hope that's truly the case, and I can't wait to talk to the doctor tomorrow to find out if this is true. The last time we went out for a meal was on a trip to Big Bear the weekend before she started feeling ill.Thanks for pulling for my wife after yesterday's frustrating day! You all are quite the tug-o-war team, and here are the results: She told...

Monday, December 5, 2005

Physical therapy pain, Reading, Jacob snuggles

Denise was in tears for a little while tonight. Her day was filled with PT & OT, and she was in pain, wondering how she ever got this weak. She said she couldn't believe that she used to walk. I had a knee reconstruction a couple years ago that had me laid up, but not to the point where she is now with her entire body. Months ago when she was still fully sedated, we received emails from some of you that had extended hospital stays. Several mentioned that getting through the primary medical problems were only the beginning, and that rehab often seemed impossible. If you've been through all that, could you please email Denise, stating your struggles and including some "atta-girl" words of encouragement to her?Now for some really good stuff: She ate plenty of food and held it all down. With...

Sunday, December 4, 2005

100 pounds, McD's comes up, God's "even"

Denise is back up to 100 pounds now! Tonight she ate most of her dinner, then I brought her a requested fajita & chocolate shake from McDonald's. A few minutes after downing most of the shake, everything came back up. McDonald's usually has the same effect on me. Too much milk shake, too cold, too fast, she said.The kids & I visited this morning as well. We all went outside to the courtyard and her dad took a picture for our Christmas cards. My mom went by and wrapped Christmas gifts with Denise in the workout room. She also enjoyed a session with a counselor. He'll be visiting from time to time to listen to whatever is on Denise's mind and help give us some insights into coping with all she has been through.This morning Gracie was making her bed and told me that her bedspread's like...

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Pulse down to 84, Christmas music

Earlier in the day, Denise seemed a little slow to respond to questions. Not knowing whether that'd be caused by being tired or if that was seizure activity, and remembering that her IV was disconnected yesterday, I called in to give the nurse a heads-up. I'm not usually paranoid, but I just thought maybe the anti-seizure meds were overlooked. Nope, she's still on the Depakote by mouth, and everyone's taking good care of her. That's why they're doctors & nurses, and I'm not. When I went again this evening, she was doing well... much more on-the-ball. She ate just about all her dinner, and had been eating well all day without throwing up. No fever, blood pressure was 120/70 (with coreg), pulse was 84. That's the lowest it's been in a long time. Her hands were a little shaky, but the room...

Friday, December 2, 2005

Family dinner, Catheter removed, Pig pens

All of Denise's meals stayed down today! Our family ate dinner together tonight. Well, Denise had already eaten dinner before we arrived, but she nibbled on our food, too. We all got to sit at the edge of the bed together. Jacob was interacting well... still not a cuddle-bug like Gracie, but an easy smiler and increasingly comfortable every time he sees mommy. It was my dad's birthday today, so we called & sang "Happy Birthday." In different keys all at once so he could pick his favorite. My dad's big into southern gospel quartet music, in which families often form groups. Some families just shouldn't sing together. Even recovering from having trach in her throat for several months, Denise still sings better than I do.Most of the workouts were done from the hospital bed, as she was very...

11 steps, IV fluids stopped, Vomit, Email list goofiness

There has been some goofiness with the email list. Subscribers to the blog's mailing list either have not been receiving updates for the last few days, or have been getting multiple empty emails. My cousin Webmaster Mike (the Magnificent) is in contact with his ISP to try and resolve the problem. In the mean time, just keep checking the web site. And while you're there, be sure to click the ZOOMABLE Guest Map link and put in your pushpin if you haven't already done so. Remember to first zoom & drag the map around until you find where you live, THEN click to add your pushpin.Sorry for no update yesterday. It got too late. Here's what happened during her first day back at rehab: With assistance, she took 11 steps (that's 28 short of a great Alfred Hitchcock movie... sorry... Denise &...

Thursday, December 1, 2005

VHS to DVD transfer

Is anyone set up to do VHS to DVD transfers? I'm trying to get two of our favorite (out of print) Christmas specials onto DVD so Denise can watch them on a portable DVD player. Each special is 1/2 hour. Than...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Re-rehab, Feeding tube details, Bedsore itchy

Tonight Denise is back in her old rehab room 4124 at Huntington Hospital's La Vina building.She welcomes visitors M-F 3pm-8pm and any time on Saturday & Sunday.Park in the La Vina lot off of Pasadena Ave. Parking is free on weekends.Phone number direct to her room is (626) 535-6458.Click here to get to a page on the hospital's website that lets you send her email. Be sure to put "Denise Williams room 4124" in the subject line so the volunteers know where to drop off the emails. She loves getting them, whether from family & friends or complete strangers.I learned today that the feeding tube might have been causing just enough irritation to cause the vomiting. She's been hurl-free all day, and able to eat increasing amounts. She needs it, as she's malnourished. Now that I've said that,...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

J/G-tube in wrong place, Eating & Hearing OK

In 1980, a one-hit-wonder band called The Vapors put out a catchy little song called "Turning Japanese." Denise & I love that song, and today it has newfound meaning for me. A portion of the lyrics:"I got your picture, I got your picture.I'd like a million of you over myself.I want a doctor to take a pictureSo I can look at you from inside as well."Wish granted...The GI doctor provided a procedure report and some pictures, like this one of the inside of Denise's stomach. The business end of the feeding tube came out of place and was between the stomach and the ab lining. Bad news, as that placement would leak food into that space, causing...

Monday, November 28, 2005

No j-tube reinsertion, No vomit, Sat herself up

Denise went to have an endoscopic look-see and the jejunum feeding tube reinserted. However, the tube was not placed. There was some infection at the insertion site, and they decided to wait. The nurse said that the gastrostomy feeding tube had "migrated" and gave me the doctor's number. I hope to find out what that's all about tomorrow. In the mean time, she had no food today until dinner time, and was able to hold that down, as of the time I left. My understanding is that yesterday's lunch and dinner stayed down also. Might be that the tube itself was causing the vomiting... who knows?Strengthwise, things went well today, as Denise was standing...

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