Mixed bag between yesterday afternoon and tonight. I had to start back at work today for teacher orientation. While I was there, the nurse called and said that Denise wanted to see Gracie & Jacob, the staff arranged a visit, and Denise got to see both kids. The kids had a big morning at the park with Denise's dad, and Jacob was a little tired & clingy to grandpa. Gracie was wide awake and gave Denise about a million kisses. Unfortunately, I didn't make it for the visit, but I hope to be there for the next one. And again, many thanks to everyone that dabbled with the rules and allowed the kids to visit. Yesterday Denise went from PRVC vent mode to CPAP, in which she gets to call the shots as far as how often to take a breath, and how deeply. That lasted 5 hours. Not bad. They tried...