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Make your live is better.

Friday, June 16, 2006

No paracentisis, GI appointment, Neuro med tweaks

The reception for Denise is tomorrow! The address listed in the previous post is for the school's front office. The gym is on the opposite side of the campus, so be sure to drive around the block to park. I was putting together a display board with some photos and just found this one that I forgot to post from about a month and a half ago. I remember that when Denise was in the hospital and I took pictures of her, I had to search for one that made her look good (most were never used). Notta problem anymore, now that she's looking healthier as the weeks go by.It's very late & I'm pooped out, so here's a quick summation of what's happened this...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Reception, Paracentesis, PCP, Neuro, Gastro Appts

Celebration of Life Reception for Denise WilliamsThat's the name my friends at school came up with, and I can't think of any more appropriate thing to call it. We sure hope you can come greet Denise over some punch & cookies on Saturday June 17, 2-4pm in the gym at Pasadena Christian School, 1515 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91104. Whether you know Denise well, have never met her before; whether you fit into the friend, family, neighbor, or medical pro category, we'd love to see you and say "thanks" in person for the part you played in getting her through to where she is now. If you haven't seen her for a few months, you will be amazed! Enough people have asked about where to send a card if they're too far away to make it to the reception, so here's an address:Denise Williams 2328 Oakhaven...

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