Make your live is better

Make your live is better.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

One year later, Denise's statement

Last blog post... sort of. I think that this will be the "official" last post of the Pulling for Denise blog. I do hope to set up a spammer-resistant email list that you can sign up for, so check back in a few weeks. That way you'll be kept up on major developments every once in a while (yes, I'll post them to the blog anyway). I also plan to post some "before, during & after" pictures of Denise. In the mean time, be sure to add your name to the guest map (link is in the column on the right of this blog).A few people have told me that reading this blog has been like following a soap opera. One person described the Pulling for Denise blog...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Milestones: PT, Solo with kids, Vision

Four quick milestones:No more physical therapy needed! Yesterday during a physical therapy evaluation, the PT and Denise both felt confident that she could stop going for therapy. She will continue going to the local gym and go about her regular daily activities. In doing so, she will continue to increase her strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, and endurance.Solo with the kids! This morning Denise stayed home with both kids by herself while I ran some errands with a friend for a couple hours. She said it went very well.Vision improving! She noticed that she's able to read much smaller print now than a few months ago. She's not sure, but feels like the black spot in her vision is either shrinking or getting lighter. I'd be interested in taking her to a retinoligist again to see if...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Neuro & ID appts: Great news abounds!

I feel lead to put a concern for one of Denise's friends at the top of today's post. Her 33-year-old friend with stage 2 breast cancer is having surgery this morning at 9:15. Her concerns are that ALL of the cancer will be removed, that it hasn't gone into the underlying muscle, that it is NOT in the lymph nodes (MRI shows that it is), that it hasn't spread to any other parts of her body, and that she can get a particular doctor that she's angling for. She's already had to deal with being disabled for all her life, and that's turned her into someone that presses on in a way that inspired Denise to work so hard through physical therapy. So she'll do her part. Please tug God's robe for her, the medical pros taking care of her, and her family. You participated in a miracle with Denise. Maybe...

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Reception recap, Activities, Blog end & book?

Here's a picture of Denise & a school parent (and nurse) from the reception on June 17th. Just look at that little smile & raised eyebrows on Denise's face! These two ladies are talking about going shopping together sometime this summer! During the two hour window of time, I don't even know how many people came & went. Some people drove an hour or two so they could meet Denise and talk to her for a few minutes. My only regret from the day is that I didn't get pictures of everyone that came to visit Denise. Her only regret is that it didn't go longer so she could have time to spend with everyone and properly make everyone else feel...

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