Make your live is better

Make your live is better.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

September 2006 Update: Labs improving, Life normalizing, Disneyland family trip

Here's a photo of Denise at Disneyland, her first time with our kids. You can't see it very well, but her hair's coming in nicely (pinned back under Mickey Mouse ears) and is finally longer than my hair! Last year at this time, I doubted that Denise would survive a few more days. Look at where we are now!One year ago I had the worst birthday of my life. Late at night on September 17 2005, I received a call after a birthday gathering at our house from the hospital saying that Denise had suddenly taken a turn for the worst. That began one of the darkest periods in her hospital stay and precipitated the transfer to USC on September 29 2005. This...

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