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Make your live is better.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 2006 Update: Throat surgery, Titers 1:16, LP

That's one of Denise's sisters way to the left of in this picture. She visited from Montana with our newest niece. The last time Denise & her sister saw each other, Denise was still in grave condition at USC University Hospital last September. So this was a much happier visit! You probably can't tell by the look on my face. Out of all the pictures, this is the only one that had her whole family (actually, her youngest sister is missing). And it's my worst picture. At least I'm hanging with happy company.The throat surgery Thursday October 5 went well. You can view the previous post for the details. Denise has taken to wearing scarves to cover...

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Throat surgery went well today

Oct 5 outpatient throat surgery went well. It was a dual-purpose surgery. Part of it was cosmetic, and that went well. The other part was a bonus that the surgeon was able to fix after he opened her up. The skin on her throat had attached to her trachea, so whenever she swallowed, the scar on her throat would move quite a lot. It was uncomfortable. And if my understanding is correct, there was also some muscle tissue that should have come together in front of the trachea, but was apart. So the surgeon fixed that as well. I didn't think there was any muscle over the trachea, but her tracheostomy was quite low. And I'm not a doctor, so what do I know? Tonight Denise's scar is already looking better than it was this afternoon. Thanks to our neighbor for driving Denise to the surgery, thanks to...

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