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Friday, November 30, 2007

O'Naihanchi Kata Sho (Iron Horse Missing Enemy Form)The origin of the three Naihanchi katas is unknown. We do know for a fact that they were practiced as one single kata by Okinawan Shuri-ryu Master Sokon Matsumura around 1825. Naihanchi was, however, handed down to Matsumura from earlier times. We can assume that Naihanchi is well over one hundred and seventy years old, possibly dating back to the era of Tode Sakugawa, Suekata Chogun and Ito Gusukuma. Naihanchi was also a favorite form of Yusutsune Itosu (1830-1915).Around 1895, Master Choki Motobu popularized Naihanchi by performing the three forms as “one kata” on a daily basis at least five hundred times. The three Naihanchi katas, performed as one became known as “Motobu’s Kata”, and he is said to have stated many times, “ There is only...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Not Good News for Turkey Day

H5N1 confirmed at second U.K. site By Alicia Karapetian on 11/20/2007 for British officials on Monday announced that testing confirmed an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in turkeys at a second site in the United Kingdom. The outbreak occurred at a farm deemed a "dangerous contact" premise, which was placed under restriction following the first outbreak last week. (See British AI outbreak highly pathogenic strain: official on, Nov. 14, 2007.)Officials on Saturday completed the culling of birds on the first infected farm and those placed under restriction. An almost 2-mile protection zone has been established around the second site, and the existing surveillance zone has been extended. British AI outbreak highly pathogenic strain: official...

Check out this Day-After-Thanksgiving Stew Recipe

This sounds like an really tasty recipe for a Mexican style beef stew provided this week to National Cattlemen's Beef Association members. Check out those ingredients and add them to your grocery list, sounds like a winning combination of seasonings. For the less adventurous, a good old-fashioned soup bowl should work just fine. . . . Easy Day-After-Thanksgiving Stew Wondering what to serve the day after Thanksgiving to a houseful of hungry family looking for an encore? Whip up hearty Mexican Beef Stew to satisfy those day-after stomach grumblings! Mexican Beef Soup in Tortilla Bowls Prep time: 25 minutesIngredients:...

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