Make your live is better

Make your live is better.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

As the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting over the last 12 months. When I think about food allergy issues, I feel hopeful about the progress we've made. There is much more awareness and education about food allergies. We're making headway with schools, restaurants and food manufacturers who are on the front line. More companies are specializing in, or adding, allergy safe foods and products. The number of children and adults being diagnosed with a food allergy continues to rise, though, so we need more effort into research for causes and a cure. I can only hope that soon we will face a new year in which food allergies are a problem of the past. Until then, the Food Allergy Assistant continues to advise, inform and educate.Happy New Ye...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Coupons for allergy friendly foods

Who doesn't love to save money? When it comes to buying allergy safe food for my family though, cost is lower on my list. First I want to make sure the food is safe. Next, I want to make sure it tastes good. Finally, I look at the price. Usually, though, if the first two criteria are met, I buy it. This explains why I spent $10 per pound for chocolate chips.I was excited to find that we may soon be able to look forward to coupons for some of our favorite products. Check out . I just signed up to receive coupons and offers. I'll keep you posted if I find it helpf...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Monday Review

In 2009, I plan to start a "Monday Review" on this blog. I'm looking for food allergy friendly products or foods I can try out. Already over 40 people and companies have responded to my initial request, so look for reviews on everything from allergy friendly cookies to charms that make a neighborhood barbecue safer to placemats that help children with food allergies. If you know of a great product or food I should look at, send a comment. Happy Holidays to a...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008, Doing well, Facebook

Merry Christmas! Denise is looking healthy, the kids are cute, and Denise says I look nice in a suit (I avoid suits as much as possible). Her progress since our 2005 Christmas picture is amazing. She even joined a gym recently to try to work on her balance, strength and energy with regular workout classes.Since our last post, our medical concerns have been few. Denise has hearing aides enjoys being able to hear again (she opted for tiny hearing aides that fit completely in her ear). The most recent test for cocci came back undetectable again, and we are very happy for that. She's also been experiencing fewer GI issues since she started a simple...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Food Allergy Christmas List

Dear Santa,I know there are many terrible diseases that we don't yet understand. We wish for a cure for cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease and the other threats many of us have faced in our families. Since we deal with food allergies every day in our family, I have just a short Christmas list for you. I wish we could go into any restaurant and have food allergies be taken seriously. How wonderful it would be to know that the restaurant kitchen is as safe as my own and we have no worries of cross-contamination or hidden ingredients. I wish food manufacturers would be transparent about the ingredients in their foods. This goes for manufacturers in other countries as well. List them clearly in an easy to recognize way. And enlarge the print too. Many grandparents of kids with food...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Food Allergies Going to the Dogs

I can't help noticing an increase in stories about dogs being allergic to dog food. Recently I read that 1 in 10 dogs is allergic to a food. It seems that the offending foods for dogs are very similar to the top eight food allergies for people. There must be some link. Food allergic dogs, like people, can experience itchy skin leading to excessive scratching. I can't help wondering if this is how food allergies in people began. Perhaps a generation ago we didn't hear much about food allergies because no one realized that itchy, rashy skin may have been a food allergy. Maybe over the years, responses have gotten more severe and now we deal with skin issues, gasto-intestinal issues and respiratory distress. Will we soon be carrying epinepherine for our pets? I'd like to see some research...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Food Allergy Related Deaths

Meredith Broussard, an adult with food allergies, wants everyone to stop "stretching the truth about food allergy deaths" because it "creates unnecessary anxiety and fear for everyone". She's talking about that "150-200 food allergy deaths per year" statistic that FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) has put out for the media to use. Meredith believes the number of food allergy deaths per year is closer to 11 and that FAAN's "wildly exaggerated estimate" should not be used.I say, "Who cares?". One death due to food allergy per year is too many. We have defensive practices in place such as 504 and healthcare plans, protecting students' rights to carry their medication and education and awareness of schools and the public to minimize allergic reaction risks. We know that children...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

FAAN Grandparent Award

For those super-understanding and accommodating grandparents who have gone above and beyond to make a difference for food allergies, there is now a prestigious award: *FAAN Grandparent Award. Too often we hear about grandparents who "don't get it" so I love the idea of showcasing those who do. If you know someone who is deserving of this award, link here for a nomination form.*FAAN is Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Netw...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Scary Stuff

Everyone should check out this article in the Nov. 21, 2008 issue of the Chicago Tribune. The Tribune article spotlights an investigation they did on food manufacturers who mis-label their products and the failure of regulators to police these manufacturers. Incorrect ingredient labels are dangerous to everyone- food allergic, diabetic, those watching cholesterol, salt intake or weight. We trust those labels to be true.Guess what? 47% of products recalled for hidden allergens in the past 10 years were never even announced to the public. When a label clearly says "does not contain wheat", we need to be able to trust that information. After reading this article, it is obvious we have a long way to go. Our food manufacturers must be required to know what is in their product, report that...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Yup, Food Allergies are on the Rise

The NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics) has confirmed what many parents and school nurses already know: Food allergies among those under the age of 18 is on the rise. From 1997-2007, there has been an 18% increase. There are some other interesting statistics in the report, such as Hispanics reporting a lower rate of food allergy and that food allergy does not appear to differ by gender. Food allergic children are also 2-4 times more likely to experience other allergic conditions and asthma. Perhaps pediatricians and family doctors will now be more likely to consider food allergies when they see babies with infant eczema or infant wheezing. Check out the full report he...

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Well it has been much too long since I�ve posted a blog, and it�s been a longer than normal several months for me as well? Does that ever happen in your life? Time just seems to stand still and fast forward all at the same time � no doubt that�s a sign of age, and I suppose approaching that �half a century mark� gives me a bit of an excuse for a blip in my blog posts? Life is just a big old box of chocolates as old Gump�s Mom would say, of late it�s been mostly those tart cherry filled chocolates that I don�t much like? One after another seems to come my way some days, and those nasty ones that you can�t even identify what�s actually in the middle,...

Mass Hysteria Over Nut Allergies

This quote by Dr. Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School, in the British Medical Journal is causing a bit of an uproar:"in some cases the "gross over-reaction to the magnitude of the threat" has many of the hallmarks of mass psychogenic illness, or mass hysteria."He's talking about people's over-reaction to the dangers of food allergies. He goes on to give examples such as the evacuation of a school bus because a peanut shell was found on the floor. He says "The issue is what accounts for the extreme responses to nut allergies and what to do about the responses and the allergies themselves."Many are angry about his comments. I have always believed that open dialogue about food allergies is the key. Was there a child on the bus who could have a reaction if they even inhaled peanut...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Most Comprehensive Food Allergy Study to Date

An international study is underway to look into the cause of food allergy. It includes hundreds of families in Chicago, Boston and China. Through questionnaires and interviews, researchers are looking at diet, hygiene, number of pets as well as the food allergic patient's prenatal and postnatal medical histories. David and Denise Bunning of Chicago have two severely food allergic children. They were so frustrated over the lack of financing for food allergy research, they donated $3 million to this study. While most of us cannot make that kind of financial commitment, let's remember during this holiday season of giving that there are many worthwhile organizations who could put our money to good use. Toys will be long forgotten, but the words "We've come up with a cure" will be a gift...

Friday, December 5, 2008

New Cookbook: "What Else is to Eat?"

I love a new cookbook. I can read it like a novel and mark it up like a textbook. So, when I opened Linda Coss's latest cookbook, "What Else is to Eat?, I filled a blank paper with notes and page numbers of recipes to try. Here's a scrumptious sample of what we've been eating this week:Iced Honey Cookies (page 126)- we took these to a friend's house for dinner. They were a huge hit...easy to make and yummy to eat!Spaghetti and Meatball Soup (page 26)- "This is really good, Mom!" was all I needed to hear.Slow Cooker Beef With Rosemary and Potatoes (page 37)- Crockpots make life a bit easier, don't they? In just a few minutes I had everything in the slow cooker and voila', eight hours later, a delicious meal. Next time I'll chop the rosemary finely as my children picked off the "green...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Go European Scientists!

Check out this research team in Europe who will be looking at modified food proteins in an effort to unlock the food allergy puzzle. They will be specifically targeting fish and fruit allergy, but I would think that any break-through may have an impact on other foods as well. Let's keep a close eye on this one. Makes sense that by modifying the food protein, the allergy reaction can be chang...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Food Allergy Support Groups

I'm a big fan of face to face support groups when you're dealing every day with an issue like food allergies. I met another mom in Baltimore at FAAN's (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) annual conference in 2001 when I attended the first time. At the conference, lunch seating is arranged by zip codes so that people can meet others who live close by. We began talking and decided to start a support group. We had 4-6 people who regularly met once a month to swap recipes, talk about safe foods and to provide general support for one another. That group has since dis-banded, but the friendships and help were invaluable to me at the time. My allergist office also ran a monthly support group with the doctor sitting in to answer questions. If you are interested in a support group, Linda...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Innocent Turkey

Four days before Thanksgiving and I just returned my frozen turkey. Well, exchanged it would be more accurate. Last night when I moved the frozen Shadybrook Farms young turkey from the freezer to the fridge for it's four days of thawing, the word "prebasted" caught my eye. Hmmm...prebasted with what, I thought. I can do my own basting thank you very much! The ingredient label was vague "turkey broth" was listed as the ingredient for the basting solution. A check of the company website gave a little more information and indicated that the basting solution "may contain butter or other fat". That did it. The turkey spent the night in the freezer until I took it back to the grocery store this morning. Now I have an eleven and a half pound Empire Kosher turkey thawing in my fridge. Ingredients:...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dairy Free Chocolate Chips

Yikes! I just placed my regular order for Barry Callebaut Chocolate chips from the Allergy Grocer and I nearly fell out of my chair when she told me the price. "I have to warn you, the price has gone up...way up" the phone rep told me. I just paid $10.00 a pound (includes shipping) for chocolate chips! I'm going to have to ration out these chips, maybe 2-3 per cookie. Anyone have a more reasonable source for quality dairy-free chocolate chi...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Advair and Milk Protein

A visit to the doctor this morning has given me a few more gray hairs. I took my son in for sore throat and a cough. The doctor prescribed the inhaler, Advair, a new medicine for us. After a demo, I watched my son inhale the medicine into his body. It wasn't until the drive home that I realized I hadn't asked to read the ingredients of the medication. There it is, right on the box, "contains lactose". I called the doctor's office and checked the Advair website. Sure enough, "Contains milk protein. Contraindicated for those with a milk allergy". Fortunately, my son is fine and the doctor now knows this medicine contains milk protein. I'm still feeling shaky, and very guilty, over this close call. Parents are the last line of defense for their children with food allergies. Another...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Peanut Allergy back in the News

As peanut allergies continue to increase among children, another confusing study adds, well, more confusion. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology just published an article that suggests we should be giving our infants peanuts so they do not become peanut allergic. This follows studies that told us to wait until at least age 3 to introduce peanut products to children. Aaarrrggghhh! These studies with their conflicting results are causing me to break out in hives. I must be allergic! Those of us who deal with food allergy every day can only keep hoping that a cure is found. I know studies are necessary, but I'd rather wait to hear the results when they are more certain and helpful. If you care to see the particulars of this research, click here.In the meantime, talk to your...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Flu Shot Season

It's that time of year. The flu season looms ahead. The recommendation is a flu shot for anyone who wants to reduce their chances of getting the flu. However, the flu vaccine may contain egg protein so those with an egg allergy should see their allergist for skin testing to the vaccine. After testing, weighing the risks and benefits helps patients determine whether or not they should get the shot.There are other vaccines that can cause problems for those with allergies. Check with your doctor/allergist before any vaccine if you have concerns about food allery interaction. The commonly known are:Chicken Pox Vaccine- to be avoided by those with a severe allergy to gelatin or the antibiotic Neomycin. MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) to be avoided by those with a severe allergy to gelatin...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sabrina's Story

Sabrina Shannon is a name you won't soon forget after hearing her story. Check out this link for a video made by Sabrina, then age 10.Less than three years ago, as an eighth grader at Bishop Smith High School, Sabrina died due to complications of an allergic reaction. The reaction began in the school cafeteria after eating french fries- a food she had safely eaten in her cafeteria before. Check out this documentary of her story. This one's a tear-jerker and will have all parents hugging their child a little tighter tod...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Fright

Only 11 days until Oct. 31. The ghouls and goblins will be knocking at the door, bags open wide for Halloween treats. Each year I question myself about what our family should hand out. Should I stick with non-food items or maybe only candy safe for my food allergic son? I worry about the candy bars and other treats he will get as he goes door to door but it doesn't seem fair to tell an 8 year old he can't go trick or treating. He knows he can't eat anything until it's been checked and he also knows that we'll need to take away nearly everything he brings home. We swap the treats for safe ones. My heart breaks a bit, but he knows nothing different and seems to be fine with our arrangement. If you know that a child with a food allergy will be trick or treating at your home, there are...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Food allergy Alerts

I just retrieved a bunch of food allergy alerts from my e-mail in-box. This is when a food manufacturer voluntarily says "oops we messed up and put some ingredients in our product that isn't listed on the label". This is very scary info when you deal with life-threatening food allergies. Stay on top of these "oopses" by subscribing to: don't need to be a FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) member to sign up. Remember, always call the manufacturer of a product if you have any questio...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Food Allergy Blogs

Here are a few other food allergies blogs I like to visit...when I have time between planning meals, grocery shopping, label reading, calling food manufacturers, preparing food, washing dishes...:http://www.childfoodallergy.comhttp://allergicgirl.blogspot.comhttp://peanutfree.blogspot.comhttp://foodallergies.about.comhttp://mykidsallergies.blogspot.comhttp://kidsfoodallergiesblog....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Get Rid of "May Contain..."Statements on Food Labels

THE FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is holding a public hearing today from 9 am to 4:30 pm to discuss clearing up vague statements on food labels. Hallelujah! Ever since the 2004 Food Labelling law went into effect, we have been bombarded with statements like, "may contain peanuts", "manufactured in a facility that uses eggs", processed on the same line as products containing dairy". These read to me like "don't sue us if someone has a reaction after eating our product". Vague statements are not helpful and downright confusing. Because of the 2004 law, we can now read a label and clearly see statements like "contains milk". That makes much more sense to most consumers than the word "whey" (which is from milk) in the middle of an ingredient list. That said, there is more to do to...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Food Allergy Lunch Tables

The elementary school cafeteria can be a dangerous place for children with food allergies. To keep food allergic children safe, some schools have a designated table called the "Peanut- Free Table" or the "Food Allergy Table". With so many children dealing with multiple food allergies, it is hard to ensure that this table is even safe for those who sit there. A peanut allergic child may be drinking milk beside the dairy allergic child. Ask if you can mark off grids with masking tape on the top of the table. Each child would have their own section and food must stay within the marked lines. All children (food allergic or not) should be taught to keep their hands to themselves when they eat, to avoid sharing food, and to wash their hands after lunch. Good lessons for us a...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

There are some great products out there to make life a little easier when you deal with food allergies every day. Here are a few of my favorites:Toaster Bags- These bags are great when you're traveling or visiting relatives. You just put the bread (or whatever you want to toast) into the bag and pop it into the toaster. No more worries about cross-contamination. When you're finished, just rinse it out for next time. You can get the bags at Holders- Sending a cupcake to school or to a birthday is no longer a messy endeavor. Just put the cupcake into this single plastic holder and it will travel in style and arrive in perfect condition. Go to to learn more.Epinephrine Carrier- My son prefers...

Friday, July 18, 2008

3 year cocci anniversary, hearing aids

Today, July 18, is the 3 year anniversary of the start of Denise's struggle with cocci. So I thought that this would be a great time to finally post an update to share all the good news.In February Denise did a photo shoot for Edwards Lifesciences Corp. They made a cardiac device that helped her tremendously. One of the CCU nurses at Arcadia Methodist saw the device in action, then went to work for Edwards, and called us to see if Edwards could use Denise's story in their annual stockholder report. The story behind this photo is that the kids were getting squirmy after a while, and the photo crew couldn't get a picture with everyone posed properly...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Restaurants need to take some responsibility

We visited a fast food type yesterday for lunch. As always we brought a full meal for my son who has food allergies. I was disheartened to see a food allergy statement at the bottom of their menu that basically said "any of our food may have come in contact with an allergen such as milk, egg, peanut tree nuts, soy, fish and wheat". That's just not helpful, and frankly- not good enough. Disney restaurants can handle food allergies- even their fast food kiosks. Restaurants need to be held accountable to know exactly what is in their food and how to handle food so that it doesn't become contaminated by other food. That's their business. This issue doesn't only impact those with food allergies. People with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, pregnant women,...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"In Your Prime" Article Published

Check out this article I wrote. It was recently published in the June issue of "In Your Prime". Click on the link and scroll to page 13:

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Allergy Friendly Pre-Packaged Food

When my son was diagnosed with food allergies. I learned quickly that I was going to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Most of the cakes, cookies, breads, muffins and other baked products I make from scratch. It is convenient though to be able to pull some foods directly from a grocery store shelf- especially when traveling. Some of the convenience foods in my pantry are:Poptarts®- only the cinnamon/brown sugar and fruit varieties are free of milk. All contain wheat.Pillsbury® White Frosting- no dairy, does contain soy.Thomas's® plain or whole wheat Bagels- contain wheat, but no other major allergensVienna Fingers®- contain wheat, but no other major allergensPopcorn- just buy a bag of the unpopped kernels. Put some kernels in a pot with a little safe oil (I use canola or olive). Turn...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Major Study Underway

A major study involving thousands of children and the development of allergies is underway. Researchers are studying the idea that our life style is actually promoting allergies. This five year study out of the University of Helsinki will look at what is commonly known as "the hygiene hypothesis". The idea behind this theory is that the immune system will over-react to non-infectious proteins because we keep things so clean and antiseptic that, quite frankly, its bored. We'll wait to see what the results of this study show. In the meantime, keep up with the dusting and vacuuming. For the complete article, go to:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Food Allergies and Bullying

It is articles like this that make my blood boil: story features a peanut allergic teen being bullied by classmates. These classmates would put peanut products around her "to see her face swell up". She was repeatedly threatened by these bullies. The school was reluctant to take action and the parents finally filed a 504 Plan to make sure that any threats would be treated as discrimination. Food allergy bullying is on the rise. Again, the key is education. We need to make sure that students and adults understand the seriousness of food allergies. Swift action needs to be taken in the event of bullying. A food allergic child has enough to deal with- anxiety over every bite they take, carrying medication at all...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

New Initiatives

"Five Steps Forward for Food Allergy" is FAAN's (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network's) latest initiative brought to Capitol Hill this week. Basically, it is a call for national school guidelines, better public education, development of food allergy diagnosis and management, more funding for research and improved food allergy labeling on food items.The House of Representatives has already passed legislation for school guidelines and it is expected that the Senate will soon follow. More public awareness is up to those of us who deal with food allergies on a daily basis. We need to keep talking about food allergies and help educate others. As public awareness increases, awareness by healthcare professionals should also be on the rise. Hopefully the days of doctors telling us that our babies...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Restaurant Challenges for those with Food Allergies

There are so many challenges to eating in a restaurant for those with food allergies that many choose not to do it at all. With proper planning and communication, though, the experience can be rewarding and safe. If you choose a restaurant close to home, call in advance. Talk directly to the chef and explain the food allergies. If you have any concerns that the chef is not taking this seriously, hang up and look elsewhere. If you feel comfortable after speaking to the chef, arrange a time to visit the restaurant. Choose a slow time so that you will get the one-on-one attention you need. Tell the server or hostess about the food allergies when you arrive. Let them know that the chef is expecting you. Ask questions and re-confirm the special arrangements needed. Thank the chef, server...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Outgrowing milk allergy

When we learned of our son's dairy allergy, we were told that he would probably outgrow it by the age of three. When that didn't happen, we were told that he would certainly outgrow it by the age of five or six. When that didn't happen either, we began looking around and realizing that there seemed to be an awful lot of teenagers still holding on to their milk allergy. The largest study to date on milk-allergic children published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology supports our personal observation. Record numbers of students are entering college with a milk allergy. A little dis-heartening to those of us hoping for a quicker outcome.As this article discusses, milk allergy does not get the same respect as a peanut allergy. To sit a milk, allergic child at the "allergy"...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cure for Peanut Allergies?

Fox News just posted an article about a possible cure for peanut allergies to be available within the next five years. It sounds like Duke University is doing some work with peanut allergy and immunotherapy (desensitization injections). Working toward a cure is great news. More shots for children doesn't sound so good, but we'll take it to protect our food allergic kids. The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network provides an opportunity to make donations toward research. Go here to make a donation: out the Fox News story here:,2933,354230,00.h...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wheat Allergies

For our family, an allergy to wheat was one of the toughest to manage. Unable to buy bread, pretzels, many cereals, cookies, crackers make meal planning a challenge with eating out and travel even more difficult. As awareness of celiac disease (an intolerance to gluten) has increased, so too has the availability of wheat free options in grocery stores and wheat free mixes for breads, pretzels and other wheat-based foods. Check out The Gluten Free Mall at for many options for those with wheat allergies. It is still possible to bake your favorite recipes by substituting wheat flour for a mixture of non-wheat flours. You may have to experiment and tweak it a bit, but I often used a recipe of: 2 cups white rice flour, 2/3 cup potato starch flour,...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Desensitization to food allergies

Would you put your child in a clinical study? Researchers are currently conducting a study on food allergies and are testing peanut allergic individuals, ages 12-20, and egg allergic individuals, ages 6-18, to see if they can tolerate small amounts of the food to which they are allergic. I know that we need research in order to find a cure, or at least better treatments, to food allergies. That said, I would be hard pressed to volunteer my child for such a study. This particular study gives peanut and egg allergic individuals increasing amounts of peanut and egg protein to see if the individual's immune system will tolerate it. The problem for me is that if an allergic reaction does occur, symptoms can be rapid and range from hives to vomiting to breathing issues and even death. How...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Are You Wishing for More Heifer Calves from this Spring's Breeding Season? I know I am! Maybe we're feeding them too well during hard times. . .?

Mom's diet may play role in whether baby is boy or girlBy LINDSEY TANNER (AP Medical Writer)From Associated PressApril 24, 2008 5:30 PM EDTCHICAGO - Snips and snails and puppydog tails ... and cereal and bananas? That could be what little boys are made of, according to surprising new research suggesting that what a woman eats before pregnancy influences the gender of her baby. Having a hearty appetite, eating potassium-rich foods including bananas, and not skipping breakfast all seemed to raise the odds of having a boy.The British research is billed as the first in humans to show a link between a woman's diet and whether she has a boy or girl....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

15th Annual Food Allergy Conference

I've had a chance to reflect upon my recent experiences at FAAN's ( annual conference in Baltimore. This was my 4th trip to the conference and I found that much of the content is a repeat for those of us who are repeat attenders. It was stated at the beginning of the day that the majority of the people in the room were first time attendees. For that reason, the same overview of food allergies, its causes and symptoms, definition of anaphylaxis, etc. was presented for those new to this diagnosis. I can appreciate that. Personally, I found the afternoon sessions more helpful. There were discussions about how parents need to change their roles as they prepare their food allergic children for the challenges of life with food allergy. There was a presentation on advocating...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hello New Friends!

I attended the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network's annual conference in Baltimore today. A big hello to my new friends from "the PA lunch table". As always the conference featured great speakers and interesting topics. It's been a long day, so check back for more details. Here is a link to my website:

Friday, March 28, 2008

Food Allergy Network Stood to Win $250,000

With a win on last night's "Celebrity Apprentice, country music star Trace Adkins, would have been able to hand over the $250,000 winnings to his chosen charity, The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN). Adkins has a young daughter with a peanut allergy and has been able to shine a spotlight on FAAN throughout the 12 week competition. It's been good press for the organization and has helped to increase awareness of food allergy issues. Apparently things were strained in the boardroom last night as 'The Donald" met with all of the competitors to decide the winner- Piers Morgan or Trace Adkins. In the end, Piers Morgan emerged as the winner. The check for $250,000 will go to Morgan's charity of choice, Intrepid Fallen Heroes, an agency that aids families of fallen US Soldiers- a noble...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Blanco Orejinegro & Bridel Cattle Farm in the Cauca Valley of Columbia

The unique markings of the polled British White, those eye-catching black ears and contrasting pure white coat, are found in a few other breeds of great antiquity around the globe. I have long been fascinated by the global reach of these markings and their antiquity. It seems to me there is a hint of a story, a long and fascinating one, in the wide-ranging presence of these markings and the absolute reverence that is held for the cattle.One of those breeds is the Blanco Orejinegro (BON), and this very special Colombian breed has a strong future now with the Bridel cattle farm in the Cauca Valley of Colombia, which is dedicated to the preservation...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Order your allergy-free Easter candy

Aaahhh...we've made it through Valentine's day chocolates and heart-shaped confections, but with an early Easter this year, it's time to order egg and bunny shaped treats for those in your life with food allergies. One of my favorite places to order these sweets is Amanda's Own. Their chocolates are dairy-free, peanut-free, tree nut-free, egg-free and gluten free. The adorable packaging is a big hit and I am happy to report that their candies are delicious as well. They also offer Passover treats. Check out Amanda's Own at Hurry up! We only have until March 13, 2008 to guarentee Easter and Passover delive...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Another Food Allergy Assistant

Annonymous Classroom Mom, I dub thee a "Food Allergy Assistant"Valentines Day in second grade can be tough for a child with food allergies. Our rule is always not to eat anything until mom or dad have checked ingredients or called the food manufacturer. Often when classroom valentines are given out, there is candy to go with it. Usually that candy is from a larger bag and so individual pieces do not contain ingredient or contact information. It is heartbreaking to take all of the candy out of the valentine bag and tell your seven year old he can't have any of it. One mother this year had the forethought to cut the ingredient label from the box and attach it to the little candy. At home we checked the ingredients and the candy didn't contain dairy, eggs, peanuts, or tree nuts. "This...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Great resource for food allergies and food intolerances

For many years, I have used The Allergy Grocer, formerly known as Miss Roben's, as a resource for worry-free food allergy shopping. The company takes great steps to ensure that their plant is free of all major allergens, including gluten. They offer great tasting ready-to-eat foods as well as ingredients and mixes. Ingredients are clearly listed on all of their food labels. Major allergens are also clearly listed. If customers have any questions, the staff at The Allergy Grocer is knowledgeable and helpful as they handle specific product questions or help with baking tips. Check out their website at : or call them at 1-800-891-0083. If you need anything from dairy-free chocolate chips to wheat free pretzels to egg-free marshmallow cream, The Allergy Grocer is...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

American Grassfed Association - Rhetoric vs. Reality

American Grassfed Association - Rhetoric vs. Realityby Jimmie L. WestFebruary 21, 2008This past October the American Grassfed Association (AGA) held it's annual conference in Austin, Texas. The event was well attended with folks coming from many parts of the USA to participate in the many planned educational seminars. By far the most interesting, educational, and just plain entertaining guest speaker was the Scottish butcher, Stuart Minick -- and guess what, his finishing program for his organic grassfed beef includes oats and molasses added to the final 30 days of finish. Stuart Minick said the addition of oats and molasses to the finishing rations gives the resulting fat a smoother, tastier eating experience, and he indicated this method of finish is one of longstanding tradition. It was...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Food allergies affect all of us. The number of people diagnosed with food allergies continues to grow, and yet researchers have no idea what causes them. There is no cure. The only way to avoid an allergic reaction is to completely avoid the food. In the event of an accidental exposure to the food, the allergic individual needs an injection of life-savingepinephrine and an ambulance ride to the hospital. Deaths due to food allergy reactions occur every year. Over thirty thousand emergency room visits every year are linked to food allergy. Deaths and emergencies as a result of a food allergy are preventable. We need a dialogue about food allergies. We need to support research and legislation for food allergies. We need a cu...

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