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Make your live is better.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Innocent Turkey

Four days before Thanksgiving and I just returned my frozen turkey. Well, exchanged it would be more accurate. Last night when I moved the frozen Shadybrook Farms young turkey from the freezer to the fridge for it's four days of thawing, the word "prebasted" caught my eye. Hmmm...prebasted with what, I thought. I can do my own basting thank you very much! The ingredient label was vague "turkey broth" was listed as the ingredient for the basting solution. A check of the company website gave a little more information and indicated that the basting solution "may contain butter or other fat". That did it. The turkey spent the night in the freezer until I took it back to the grocery store this morning. Now I have an eleven and a half pound Empire Kosher turkey thawing in my fridge. Ingredients:...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dairy Free Chocolate Chips

Yikes! I just placed my regular order for Barry Callebaut Chocolate chips from the Allergy Grocer and I nearly fell out of my chair when she told me the price. "I have to warn you, the price has gone up...way up" the phone rep told me. I just paid $10.00 a pound (includes shipping) for chocolate chips! I'm going to have to ration out these chips, maybe 2-3 per cookie. Anyone have a more reasonable source for quality dairy-free chocolate chi...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Advair and Milk Protein

A visit to the doctor this morning has given me a few more gray hairs. I took my son in for sore throat and a cough. The doctor prescribed the inhaler, Advair, a new medicine for us. After a demo, I watched my son inhale the medicine into his body. It wasn't until the drive home that I realized I hadn't asked to read the ingredients of the medication. There it is, right on the box, "contains lactose". I called the doctor's office and checked the Advair website. Sure enough, "Contains milk protein. Contraindicated for those with a milk allergy". Fortunately, my son is fine and the doctor now knows this medicine contains milk protein. I'm still feeling shaky, and very guilty, over this close call. Parents are the last line of defense for their children with food allergies. Another...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Peanut Allergy back in the News

As peanut allergies continue to increase among children, another confusing study adds, well, more confusion. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology just published an article that suggests we should be giving our infants peanuts so they do not become peanut allergic. This follows studies that told us to wait until at least age 3 to introduce peanut products to children. Aaarrrggghhh! These studies with their conflicting results are causing me to break out in hives. I must be allergic! Those of us who deal with food allergy every day can only keep hoping that a cure is found. I know studies are necessary, but I'd rather wait to hear the results when they are more certain and helpful. If you care to see the particulars of this research, click here.In the meantime, talk to your...

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