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Make your live is better.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Running Away to Join the Circus

Last night I joined the circus and danced center stage in Cirque du Soleil's Alegria with the White Singer.My family tells me that the contrast of my all black clothing with her all white clothing looked elegant and refined, making up for my complete lack of ballroom dancing skills.The story about how this happened is an amazing chain of events, illustrating the powerful forces of fate that shape our lives.Here's the tale:In September of 1980, I arrived at Stanford and moved into Granada, a dorm that's part of the Lagunita complex. I met a woman named Kathy Greene who lived in Eucalypto, another Lagunita dorm. She was Korean American, an artist, and could do everything I could not. She had a perfect right brain to complement my clumsy left brain. We've never been apart since and just...

Milk Allergy Study in Boston

We've been hearing about peanut desensitization studies in the news recently. I'm thrilled to report that Children's Hospital in Boston is conducting the first ever milk desensitization study. Check out this video and follow along each week as 11 year-old Brett goes through the study.This is great ne...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Fare: Caramel Popcorn

Plan a movie night this week-end and pop up some sweet delicious popcorn!Caramel Popcornfree of dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat and soy4 quarts popped popcorn- use "natural" microwave popcorn or simply pop some kernels in a tablespoon of oil in a pan on your stove top.1 cup brown sugar1/2 cup margarine (I use Fleischmann's Unsalted sticks which are dairy-free but contain soy. Could use soy-free Earth Balance if soy allergic)1/4 cup light corn syrup1/2 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon vanilla extract1/2 teaspoon baking sodaPlace the popped popcorn into a large brown paper bag. Set aside.In a 2 quart microwave safe dish, combine the brown sugar, margarine, corn syrup, salt and vanilla. Heat for 3 minutes in the microwave, then take out and stir until well blended. Return to the microwave, and...

Quality, Meaningful Use, and Interoperability

A reporter recently asked me to describe the quality measures and standards that are part of meaningful use. Floyd Eisenberg, Senior Vice President, Health Information Technology at the National Quality Forum, summarized the work nicely:"The National Quality Forum (NQF), with support from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) convened the Health Information Technology Expert Panel (HITEP) to develop a data model for quality measurement. The HITEP developed a framework, the quality data set (QDS), to manage the terms (value set), the context of use (quality data type) and the data flow (data source, recorder, setting, health record field) for each element used to build a quality measure. A quality data element combines the value set with the quality data type to directly...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Homes To View

My new website is now live! http://www.homestoview.netThe new site is a branch of Flair Films and geared for people who are interested in having an online video of their business, or real estate listing. It is also a great idea for motivational speakers or people that want to have a quick look at what you do online. We also do instructional DVD's. Check it o...

A HITSP Town Hall

Today at 2pm, I'll be running a HITSP Town Hall public webinar about ARRA, health information exchange, and standards.Here are a few resources I'll reference:My SlidesThe approved HIT Standards Committee Clinical Quality Standards MatrixThe approved HIT Standards Committee Clinical Operations Standards MatrixThe approved HIT Standards Committee Security and Privacy MatrixThe approved HIT Policy Committee Meaningful Use MatrixThe approved HIT Policy Committee HIE priorities which are:2011Lab results deliveryePrescribingClaims and eligibility checkingQuality & immunization reporting2013Registry reporting and reporting to public healthElectronic orderingHealth summaries for continuity of careReceive public health alertsHome monitoringPopulate PHRs2015Access comprehensive data from all available...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Milestone for Device Interoperability

What is standards harmonization?I describe it as the parsimonious number of standards required to meet the requirements of stakeholders. It is achieved by closing gaps and eliminating redundancy.Can we always reduce the number of standards in a domain to 1? Not necessarily. Sometimes the best we can achieve is 2 with mapping between them or 2 initially converging over time to 1.In the past, we've had multiple interoperability standards for devices. Earlier this year, HITSP challenged IHE and Continua to converge their work as part of the HITSP Remote Monitoring Use Case.The Continua Alliance, a non-profit, open industry coalition of the more than 200 healthcare and technology companies joined together in collaboration to improve the quality of personal healthcare, has been focused on interoperability...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The FY10 HMS IT Operating Plan

Every year I work with all the stakeholders at Harvard Medical School to develop an operating plan. Here are a few observations about the process:-In an economic downturn, governance is very important to triage projects, set timelines, and allocate resources. Budgets define the supply of resources. Governance helps balance supply and demand. During my tenure as CIO, we've had workgroups for research, education, and administrative customers, but this year I'm formalizing governance by creating an overall IT Steering Committee comprised of research faculty, educational leadership, and administrative Deans. My educational, administrative and research workgroups will report to this overall IT Steering Committee.-I have 5 direct reports at HMS who serve as the single point of accountability...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cool Technology of the Week

Before my trip to Japan, I attended the New England Healthcare Institute Medication Adherence Expert Roundtable on Thursday July 23rd, 2009. The purpose of the roundtable was to prioritize activities that would encourage patients to be more compliant with the medications, especially those with chronic diseases such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and COPD. Recommendations from the group included better patient education, enhanced use of IT such as medication reconciliation, and healthcare reform which ensures clinicians have the time and incentives to coordinate and manage all medications for their patients.One technology that we discussed...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Fare: Banana Crumb-Topped Muffins

Just made a batch of these delicious muffins!Banana Crumb Muffinsfree of dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nutscontains wheat and soy 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour1 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon baking powder1/2 teaspoon salt3 bananas, mashed3/4 cup white sugar1 1/2 tablespoon warm water, 1 1/2 tablespoon canola oil, 1 teaspoon baking powder mixed until bubblyTopping:1/3 cup packed brown sugar2 tablespoons all-purpose flour1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon1 tablespoon margarine (I use Fleischmann's Unsalted sticks)Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare muffin cups.In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugar, and water/oil/baking powder mixture. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened*. Spoon...

Funding for HIEs and RHITECs arrives

Yesterday was a landmark day - the HIT Standards Committee approved the quality, clinical care, and privacy/security standards that serve as certification criteria and support meaningful use. At the same time, HHS released $564 million for Healthcare Information Exchange to be given to States/State Designated Entities to accelerate interoperability implementation and $598 million for Regional Healthcare IT Extension Centers (RHITECs) which are applied for competitively (not distributed via state government) to accelerate EHR adoption.Of interest, the range of award for HIE is $4,000,000 to $40,000,000. Fifty awards will be given.The range of award for RHITECs is $1,000,000 to $30,000,000 with an average of 8,543,000Award Floor $ 1,000,000. Seventy awards will be given.The press release...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Next Deliverables of the HIT Standards Committee

Today in Washington the HIT Standards Committee met to discuss the latest deliverables from its workgroups - Clinical Quality, Clinical Operations and Privacy/Security.A few highlights:*The workgroups presented the standards needed to support meaningful use and certification criteria. A certified EHR must meet the functionality criteria currently being developed by ONC but also must be capable of supporting the standards defined by the HIT Standards Committee workgroups.*The standards themselves apply to capabilities that need to be included in the products for certification, and the use of those capabilities to codify patient data, and to calculate and report quality measures constitutes the 'meaningful use'.*The theme for the meeting was convergence - after countless hours of work, today's...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Road Less Traveled

I'm back from Japan, physically and spiritually refreshed, ready to embrace my jobs , my blogging, and my outdoor activities with new vigor.In previous years, my vacations have been about movement - hiking the John Muir trail, climbing in Yosemite, and exploring the outdoors with my family.This year's trip to Japan was about people. My family and I had remarkable experiences that were not about traveling to every tourist spot, taking a few photographs, then shuttling to the next location. Instead, we based our ourselves in Kyoto for 2 weeks and in the Inland Sea (Miyajima) for 3 days, spending time with shopkeepers, craftsman and friends. ...

Philly's Holding 1st Annual Food Allergy Fair

On Thursday, Sept. 24 from 11 am to 2 pm, Philadelphia will hold its first Food Allergy Fair. The fair is being hosted by Allergy and Asthma Specialists and Prototype Advertising. I contacted the organizers to find out the purpose of the event. Here's what I was told:"This is an educational experience for adults with food allergies or caring for someone with food allergies. The adult with food allergies or the adult caring for individuals is often overlooked. We are trying to give Moms the opportunity to explore food allergy options without the kids around. Also, we hope to offer grown up food options to food allergy sufferers."Area chefs, nutritionists and doctors will be on-hand to talk to visitors.I plan to attend. Anyone want to meet up?Here's the website for the Food Allergy Fa...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Food Allergy Twitter Party

The third Food Allergy Twitter Party is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 2. If you've never participated in a Twitter party, they're fast, fun and filled with lots of great info. There are even prizes too!Here's how to join us:1. You'll need a Twitter account. Sign-up is free.2. On Oct. 2 (time has not yet be decided- check back), you'll need to go to and type in #foodallergy.3. You'll see the conversation on your screen. Jump in any time, but type #foodallergy in every message so everyone else can see it.Hope to see you the...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Fare: Granola Bars

We love these granola bars. As soon as the batch runs out, I make another. They're super easy to make and, believe me, after you eat these, you'll never go back to packaged granola bars filled with preservatives, chemicals, and lots of allergens again. Give them a try this week-end.Granola Barsfree of dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nutsIngredients:2 cups rolled oats 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup wheat germ 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 cup all-purpose flour (I use ¾ regular flour and ¼ whole wheat flour) 3/4 cup raisins, marshmallows, mini chocolate chips, or any other add-ins you prefer (check labels for allergens) 3/4 teaspoon salt...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Person Can Make A Difference

Polly Green - show reelThis is my current show reel which includes footage from my award winning documentary Nomads and footage from Running For Water, the first ever around the world relay race. My mission as a videographer is to tell stories that are inspiring and make a positive difference in the world. I do promotional videos for NGO's, not for profits, businesses, musicians, artists, authors, and real estate. Please feel free to contact me for your video needs. polly@flairfilms....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Location for Jimmie's Blog

Hello Everyone, This will be my last post to this blog location. Having my blog on my web site, rather than on Google's blogspot has caused increasing difficulty getting my posts to finally publish. This is because Google's blogger software republishes the entire blog history every single time you post -- this is an issue for blog sites like mine that are directed at my web site, not so with those with blogspot blogs. For the next little while, click on the title link above, or click here, for my new blogspot. It has all of my old blog posts imported over to it, and it allows me to use lots of the new widgets and gadgets that make blog pages...

Halifax Agricultural Show - cattle section: Say hello to a rare native who's looking good

Over the past few days I have had to go through the tiresome explanation of just exactly what British White cattle are, and even explain that the American British White Park cattle were not wild things. This afternoon this article popped up and it seemed well-timed. The "White Park" cow in the photo (click the article link above for the photo) is a horned beautiful white cow with black points, with a gentle look about her, and a fat and beefy look about her -- sound familiar? You can clearly see in her photo that she is halter broke, and she and the humans about her look quite agreeably comfortable at her side. In no way is this cow some fearsome...

Did You Know? Cash for Clunkers $ Taken from Alternative Energy Stimulus Dollars

In the midst of this really bad economy, at least corn prices have backed off their record highs, though how much that's reflected in the price of a bag of feed at your local feed store is quite variable. Once a higher price point is reached, it takes a while for the retail products to see a matching decline, if ever. While I don't feed corn to my cattle, I'm very aware of how the rising price of corn and other grains used in ethanol production has negatively impacted the value of livestock in the USA.One possible hint of relief from the disastrous impact of increasing corn ethanol production is the growing research and ingenuity in designing electric cars, and getting our vehicles and machinery out of the lead acid battery dark ages (Lead-acid batteries were invented in 1859 by French physicist...

You Can Make Dairy Free Pudding

I've tried it, so don't cannot substitute a non-dairy milk for the milk called for on the box of Jell-O® pudding. It doesn't "set". But here's a recipe to try using Silk Soymilk, a staple in our house. Sure, it's not as easy as mixing up some pudding using the powder from the box, but those of us who cook allergy-friendly foods are used to that, right? Happy cooki...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mothers of Food Allergic Children Speak Up

Check out this six-part series of four mothers who have food allergic children. Part of a roundtable discussion with ABCNews Health, the moms talk about warning signs, coping, convincing others, school and special events, guilt and hurt and the bright side. Those of us who deal with food allergies every day will really relate to what these women talk about. There may be a section or two that you may want to forward to a grandparent, baby-sitter or teacher. It sometimes help to have others back up your messa...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Economics of AI Breeding vs. Natural Breeding in Beef Heifers

Suggested Guidelines for Beef Heifer Selection**Moderate frame & milk - 425 lbs at Weaning, 600 lbs at Yearling, 700 lbs at breeding, Frame Score of 4 **Large frame & milk - 500 lbs at Weaning, 750 lbs at Yearling, 875 lbs at breeding, Frame Score of 5"The University of Minnesota maintained records and summarized the net profit or loss for heifers sold during a developmental period during a three-year period. Heifers culled on the basis of pelvic area, average daily gain, reproductive tract scores, disposition, or structural soundness at the time of the prebreeding exams and finished in a feedlot had a 3-year average net profit of $9,...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pending Legislation That Will Impact the Family Farm and Rural Landowners

The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) email update yesterday included a call to members to contact their Congressman during this August recess to express their Support and Opposition to critical legislation that will have a huge impact on our economic lives as cattle raisers. I've included links where I could find them, to the actual text of the bills at issue. Perusing the actual text of the bills is enlightening, and something I think we all should do more often in these days of minimal debate and rapid passage of bills which will effect our lives in both Texas and the USA. SUPPORTThe Affordable Food and Fuel for...

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Misconceptions of Food Allergy

In a news release from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Dr. Ruchi S. Gupta revealed that an online survey of 2148 U.S. adults shows many misconceptions about food allergy. More than 66% of those surveyed believe that a daily medicine can be taken to prevent a food allergy reaction. Nearly half of the respondents said there is a cure for food allergy. Over 40% said that food allergy reactions could be prevented by means other than strict avoidance.Hmmm...we're not doing a very good job of educating others about food allergy. These people are our teachers, principals, nurses, grandparents, bus drivers, neighbors, babysitters, coaches, scout leaders. Many of them are not getting it and that can be dangerous to our children.Take every opportunity to inform others of the...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back to School With Food Allergies

Back to school is on my mind as we enter the final month of summer vacation. I plan to request a 504 plan for my FA 4th grader as I was unhappy with the communication (lack of) related to the Healthcare Plan we used last year. Anyone have any experience with 504 Plans for food allergy?Also, take a look at Alison's all-inclusiveBack to School Tips for Gluten-Free and Allergy -Free Kids. It's a great checklist, especially if you're sending your FA child to school for the first ti...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Food Allergy Quiz

Check out this true/false quiz from ACAAI (American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology). My readers may find it fairly elementary, but I think it would make for some great talking points with grandparents and older food allergic children. Did any of the questions stump you? I got number 6 wrong. I knew that exercise could lead to anaphylaxis, but I didn't realize the food allergy link. Always learning...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

On the Road

For the next two weeks my wife and I will be on the road in Japan, meeting our 16 year old daughter in Japan, where she's spent the summer in intensive Japanese language study. My blog entries will be episodic but I'll remain connected via my 3G Blackberry. I'll be giving a lecture at Kyoto University but most of the trip will be seeing a side of traditional Japan that most tourists will not see.We'll celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in temples with a history of bringing good luck to relationships.We'll make traditional Japanese rice confections in a small shop in the Gion.We'll eat blue-green Tofu, okara in yuba handmade in a 10 seat...

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