Make your live is better

Make your live is better.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Some big improvements

Here’s a long post covering two days, so get comfy, but not so comfy that you don’t want to jump up & cheer! Top of the news is that Denise is doing better. Still critical (and in isolation... gown, gloves, mask needed when I'm with her), still not out of the woods, still weak, still dealing with some infection somewhere and resulting high fevers. But better. In fact one of the doctors described it as having "a different patient this afternoon than we had this morning." It's been encouraging to hear several people say that Denise can recover from this. So there's some pretty rapid things happening, and they seem to be in our favor.The most dramatic improvements are a higher cardiac index (saw it go as high as 4.2, SVO2 in the 60s & 70s mostly) and increasing urine output. The ejection...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Getting hooked up at USC University Hospital

The ride to the new hospital went well. They let me go along (a rarity, apparently) and let Denise listen to some music through headphones on the way. She kept pulling one of the speakers out of her ear. We reached the hospital during the shift change and were not allowed into the ICU. They immediately began changing out all the tubes, hoses, needles, catheters, etc. to be compatible with their equipment, which was still going on at almost 11pm tonight. Denise's dad & I met the doctor that will be continuing Denise's care. We came away encouraged by some of the things he had to say... they only work on the sickest of the sick, Denise's age & previous good health is a plus, and they'll keep trying even if her heart stops again & again. He also reminded us that we can anticipate...

Transferring to USC University Hospital

Denise is being transferred to USC University Hospital, departing at 5:30pm. I'm riding along in the transport vehicle. I'll post more when I know more & have the ti...

Monday, September 26, 2005

Heading toward cardiac arrest

It seems at times that we are fighting with God over Denise.Things are still quite bad this evening. I had to come home to eat during the shift change. Earlier today my aunt asked the doctor what we can expect. It seems that the conditions and numbers are heading toward cardiac arrest. Could be today, tomorrow, a week... no telling.The Dobutimine has had some positive effect, but I don't know that it would be enough to turn this around.Denise is on Ativan and morphine now. She will wake once in a while for a few seconds. I did get some kisses & some important words with her. I asked her if she was scared and today she shook her head to indicate "no." I told her that her heart is weak, the deck is stacked against us (but there are always wild cards), and we might lose her. Our pastor from...

Heart deteriorating, should we do CPR if it fails?

Denise's cardiac status is deteriorating. The doctor called to say that if her heart arrests, it may not benefit her to try CPR, as the heart is so weak it may not be able to get enough oxygen to the vital organs, brain included. This is the same conversation we had last Sunday. He didn't know that we should get her out of the Morphine haze (no Ativan drip, that was a mistake in my last post) in order to ask her what her preference is. She's not a good candidate for any type of surgery that may be needed. But she probably can't handle another hit like she had a little over a week ago, cardiac status being what it is. In the mean time, they're trying to do everything they can, and being aggressive about it. But if the heart stops, we have to decide whether or not to try CPR. They might try...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Slow day, RMSF vs. Valley Fever

Slow day with not much new information (being a weekend) and not much change that I can see. Better than a week ago, not as good as just before that. Denise was "out" just about the whole time (Ativan & morphine). They also started an insulin drip again so they won't have to jab her whenever the blood sugar's too high from the TPN IV drip. That I saw, her fever didn't cross 103. Her oxygen concentration was turned up to 50% late last night, but was 40% the whole time I was there. Heart stayed at 132 bpm on average, higher during a coughing fit or obvious discomfort from turning. Breathing hovered all over the 30s. And again, I'm not feeling well, and will not be going over to the hospital tonight.I just remembered a comment posted weeks & weeks ago asking why we started off with a...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Tough conversations, Magna Doodle pen pals

As of today, kidneys & liver still not functioning. I'm told that it'd be unrealistic to expect them to "kick in" like they did weeks & weeks ago. It'll be a much more gradual process. So we're just expecting dialysis once in a while. After a few days of relatively low fever, she crossed the 103 mark again. The feeding tube has been stopped and IV nutrition started last night. She's had a couple bowel movements, so we're glad for that, but a few times she's vomited up water & Tylenol (that Flexi-Seal was reinserted today). Earlier today her heart rate & breathing rate started racing, and they had to turn the oxygen concentration up to 50%. So up to that point, things seemed just a tiny bit worse today than yesterday. Then just before dinner, they started her on a morphine drip...

Friday, September 23, 2005

16 Women Pregnant Moment Emergency Condition

Women pregnancy suggested that is not overanxious if its content experience of the light trouble. But pregnant mother very suggested that remain to alert to its content growth. Whether/What symptom which require to be paid attention to [by] that?1. If experiencing of super stomachache and ride out the long time.2. Happen blood or blood pock go out from vagina3. Change of vagina Dilution, that is; stickier dilution, or mixed blood.4. Feeling pressure of flank, ill in undercarriage back, or muscle-bound before pregnancy age enter the week to- 37.5. Suffer decease at the (time) of urinating, and accompanied to by feel burned.6. Urine choked up or do not go out at all.7. Heavy puking repeatedly, accompanied by fever. 8. Trembling or fever. Body temperature reaches 38, 3 C. 9. Feel an itch -- what...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Xigris stops, 6 liters drawn, Some better, Some worse

Denise finished her 96-hour Xigris drip today, then got a paracentesis which drew 6 liters off of her abdomen... you heard that right... 3 soda bottles worth of fluid. Denise was really tired today but indicated that she felt better after losing that fluid. That draw couldn't be done a couple days earlier while on the Xigris because of fear of complications from bleeding. By the way, the gal doing the procedure was someone that I remember from way back in elementary school.Denise was doing pretty well on the gastro tube feeding at 40cc/hr until late this morning, when she threw up. Hopefully the lack of 6 liters in the belly will correct the bowel obstructions (that's been an "on-again, off-again" situation) and lessen the vomiting. By the way, for those that like to know, the g-tube is the...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Much better since Saturday

Another day where nothing got worse, most things fairly stable, some things better, some much better! Very cool! She's not is as good a condition as she was before the shut down on Saturday night. But she's improving, and for that we're thankful! Here are the nuts & bolts:The Xigris seems to be helping Denise fight the sepsis. That' stuff's been a life-saver twice now. We're hoping there will be no complications related to it so that she can benefit from the full regimen of it. It ends about 2pm tomorrow. Kidney function unchanged - still low. But her creatinine is down to 1.7 from 1.9 (we want it to get to 1.0). There's a possiblity that her kidney damage is here to stay and she'll need dialysis for life... or not. To early to tell. But as a buddy put it, dialysis for her life is a fair...

Vitamin C and the Smoker Women was pregnant

Consumed vitamin C during the pregnancy period will really help the mothers who had the habit smoked during contained.The team's findings from 'the Oregon Health & Science University' also suggested that the mothers of the smoker apparently stopped his habit when being pregnant.Results of the team's research headed by Dr Elliot Spindel this proved that vitamin C could block the effect of the negative resulting from the activity smoked that was done by the mother was pregnant.In the high dose, vitamin C could protect damage that was caused by 'nicotine` that was produced from cigarettes.'Results of the team's research headed by Dr Elliot this was published through 'the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.'During his trial to the animal of Dr Eliot Spindel saw relations...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Nothing got worse, Map help

Denise is still very ill, we're still waiting to see what happens. Nothing got worse today, most numbers stayed about the same, some numbers got better. Keep pulling for us. Somebody posted a comment that I loved: " We have no pull of our own for Denise except our persistent tugging, even yanking it seems, on the Master's robe." Yup.The temp went under 100 tonight, white blood cell count went down to 12.4. These might possibly indicate a subsiding infection (please, please, please). All the same antibiotics are going. Liver function still bad. Kidney function is about the same. She was on dialysis when I left tonight. Blood pressure medicine (Levophed?) was decreased to 9 micrograms/minute (was 50/minute Saturday night), and blood pressure is still holding at 103-115 systolic. Hemoglobin went...

Guest Map is working... add your "pushpin"

A guest map has just been added to the web site. Look toward the right side of the web page under "Links" and you'll find the link to the map.Once you're on the map, you can pan & zoom in & out by clicking the buttons near the top left of the map. You can also click & drag the map to move it around instead of using the up/down/left/right buttons on the map.Using the buttons in the top right corner of the map, you can switch between a map view, satellite photo view, and hybrid view with both.Depending on your area, you might be able to pick out your rooftop... I did.To add your "pushpin" marker, just click once on the map. Type your name, a short message, pick a marker color, and then click the "Place" button. There's even a place for you to enter your own web site address if you've...

Monday, September 19, 2005

Wait and see... still bad but stable

Things are still pretty bad, but stable. We have to wait & see what's going to happen.Main points:Heart: Denise's heart is a big concern. Her ejection fraction (heart output) is still low today (20-25%). She's got some catheter threaded through the chambers of her heart that give us all kinds of measurements. Her PAP (pulmonary artery pressure) is higher than they want but her cardiac index has stayed essentially what it should be for her size & age. A nice thing is that her blood pressure is acceptable while blood pressure meds are decreasing. She's still getting a lot, but not nearly as much as Saturday night. Her heart rate is slowing (got down to 100 while my aunt was rubbing Denises's feet) and oxygen saturation was still at 100%, so that's good.Bowel not working: Today they put...

Health Supplements For Women - Which Are Right For You?

Health Supplements For Women - Which Are Right For You? Most women would agree that certain health supplements could be beneficial to your health, depending on the result you wish to achieve. There are many articles and news reports about the positive and negative attributes of healthsupplements. Due to the fact that individuals vary greatly in their particular desires and health issues, most women have chosen to make their own decisions about which health supplements are right for them. Many people, male and female, are taking several types of supplements each day. Health supplements include any number of products designed to help with one type of health concern or another. You can find weight loss aids, vitamins, products designed to increase your energy level, and numerous others. Depending...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Very bad but stable

Denise is very bad off, but stable. There were so many procedures done today, I can't begin to remember remember them all. At one point this morning, the doctor said that her ejection fraction (how much blood can pump out of the heart) is so low that if her heart stopped, he didn't know if it could get going again. This flashed through my head: Last night there was a "code blue" for another patient as I was leaving the CCU. As I walked by, I saw people trying chest compressions on him. I found out later that night that he passed away, in spite of everyone's best efforts (the best effort being the norm in the CCU). I really don't want to leave Denise. But on the other hand, though I'm in no way squeamish, I hope I'm never in a position to see anyone working on Denise like that. Anyway, I told...

Understanding your body during pregnancy

Understanding your body during pregnancyBy MayoClinic.comFrom conception to birth, your body is programmed to support the needs of your growing baby. The physical changes you'll experience may leave you marveling at the wonder of pregnancy — and perhaps looking forward to the day when you can reclaim your body. An average of 25 to 35 pounds of weight gain aside, you may be surprised by pregnancy's effect on your body. Here's what to expect. First trimester changes Within two weeks of conception, hormones trigger your body to begin nourishing the baby — even before tests and a physical exam can confirm the pregnancy. Here are some common early changes: Vaginal bleeding. Spotting or what appears to be a scanty period may be the first sign of pregnancy. A small amount of bleeding can occur when...

Grave condition

Pray.The doctor just called:He said Denise is in very grave condition. Going back into septic shock, kidneys failing (no urine output), liver function off, high acid in blood, PA catheter going in to heart, another ab fluid draw needed. If she goes to surgery, there's a high mortality risk.Here's what I typed before the doctor called:The call that came as I was just finishing last night's post was for bad news. Denise's blood pressure was very low & not coming up. Procedures were performed to get her blood pressure up & stable... a groin catheter was put in and meds given, I'm sure there were other things, but I can't remember the details. The charge nurse that came out to the door to greet me & Denise's mom & dad said that Denise had given everyone quite a scare. The doctor...

Saturday, September 17, 2005

VERY low blood pressure

First the downer stuff from today: I just left the hospital tonight and Denise's heart rate did lower to the 112-120 range. But her blood pressure is REALLY low, like 58/37 at one point tonight (about the best I saw today was 82/43). Very scary. The two meds that were administered to lower the heart rate (and increase blood flow) have been discontinued because the blood pressure is way too low. Denise expressed to the nurse tonight that she was scared. She's been saying that more over the past week. I must admit that while I try to be encouraging and point out all the progress and things to be optimistic about, I find it hard to be encouraged by what I'm saying to her sometimes. She got up to 103.9 last night and was about 102 when I left tonight. I heard from the nurse that the infectious...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Heart function worse than previously thought

Here's the update as of about lunch time today. The official word on Denise's heart is that it's worse than what they thought (ejection fraction is 20-25%, not 30-35%). What she has is commonly referred to as congestive heart failure, most likely brought on by tachycardia (high heart rate for a long time). We're waiting to see how the two drugs they're giving her work. The drugs will slow the heart down, allowing more time for the chambers to fill with blood for the next beat. One drug is usually specifically for hypertension. As applied to the heart problem here, it dialates the blood vessels, making it easier for Denise's heart to pump out against an overall lower pressure. We're waiting to see what the latest thyroid check has to say (might have some bearing on the heart rate). The last...

Remedies for Asthma or Allergies

A lot people have asthma. My daughter, 41 years, included. She has suffered from attacks for many years. Recently I encounter three natural remedies that I asked my daughter to try. I have not yet received a report on these, so I would like to pass them on to you. Here is the first one.Boswellia Boswellia, an herb, is known for its anti-inflammatory abilities and its usefulness in reduces the effects of bronchitis, asthma, cough, laryngitis, and fever. It comes from the resin of a tree in India and made into a pill or cream. It is best known for use in arthritis. Recommended dose is: 150mg three times a day. Yamoa Yamoa is an herbal powder treatment for Asthma, which is derived from the bark of an African gum tree. It is available in capsule and has been typically used to help asthma. It has...

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Weak heart, Possible PICC infection, LTAC?

Top of today's news isn't great. Denise had an echochardiogram that showed no signs of infection in her heart, and no fluid around the heart. But it showed that her heart is weak. Her ejection fraction is only 30-35% (normal should be 60-70%). What this means is that her heart is not squeezing out enough volume per beat. This may be attributed to having such a high heart rate for so long. She's getting tired. So they're going to give her some meds (coreg & cardizen... I haven't had time to learn anything about them yet) to slow her heart rate down, thereby hopefully allowing enough time for the valves to fully open/close & get a favorable amount of blood volume flowing. Now since they're going to slow her heart down, that means that they need to get more hemoglobin into her system...

Before The Baby Arrives

This article give you know what you do before your baby arrive. Congratulations - you're going to be a mom! Whether it's yourfirst or sixth baby, there are things to consider and plan for:Do you have your birth-plan worked out with yourfamily and obstetrician (nurse-midwife)?Do you have your suitcase packed (or things organizedif you're having a home-birth)?Do you have your emergency contacts in case you go into labour at a less-than-convenient time?Do you have the nursery ready for your baby's arrival?Does your baby have a family?That last point might seem odd, but inasmuch as we plan with such detail about every other aspect of our newborn's...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Not much change, Trach cheating, Party planning

Not much change between today & yesterday as far as fever, heart rate, breathing rate, etc. She was asleep most of the time. She managed to figure out how to cheat the tracheostomy... she pulls the collar to one side and can squeeze out a word or two. She's been writing quite a lot over the last day or two, and most of the time we're able to figure out what she's writing. The few hours a day that she's really awake & alert, her writing almost looks normal. They tried the CPAP mode of ventilation again today, but she didn't tolerate it well. It's been weird... one day she can go for a couple hours, the next day only a couple minutes. Her tummy looks a little more bloated today than yesterday, but that might be because the IV feeding is decreasing and the gastro tube feeding is increasing....

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Online Map?

I thought it would be a kick for Denise to see where all of you are on a map. I'm looking for a web site that has an online U.S. Map (maybe a world map would be needed) that lets each of us put a virtual push-pin (I'm thinking a red dot or something) onto the map where we live, based on city or ZIP code. I've searched but haven't found anything online. Anybody know of a site that offers what I'm looking for? If we can find a site like that, I can link it to Denise's blog. What an encouragement that would be for her to see a map with hundred (thousands?) of red dots all over the place, each one representing the location of someone that's been pulling for h...

Denise speaks, Kids visit

Starting 9 weeks in the hospital, and Denise spoke! I went by to visit Denise after school (it's murder sitting at work after being used to going to the hospital any time). The respiratory therapist (same one that painted Denise's nails) told me they had a surprise for me. So while I was copying numbers off of the machines, they deflated Denise's tracheostomy cuff and I heard Denise talk in a buzzy voice (one or two words at a time, like the kids in the wheelchair from Malcomb in the Middle). I was so shocked that I can't for the life of me remember what she said. But it sure was a welcome sound to hear her voice break into the the click, whir & hiss of the machinery.I drove home to pick up the kids and drove back to the hospital, and got video of the kids hearing Denise talk for the first...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Still waiting, Good signs, Tears, Party planning

I haven't heard any definite word from the infectious disease doctor about our latest scary situation with the infection (remember a few days ago we were encouraged to hear that the two infections are probably the same organism, and if so, there is medicine available). But there are some things happening that might indicate that Denise is whipping the infection(s). Her ab swelling has gone down a bit and it's softer to the touch, her fevers topped in the 102 range & were frequently hovering around 100. Also, white count lowered to 13. I guess that if it gets TOO low, that means that she's incapable of making the white cells. But lowering to the current range might indicate that fewer white cells are needed to fight infections. The doctor said that they were going to look into the possibility...

Three minute beauty

Three minute beautyBy Kathy Miller-Kramer, from Lifetime magazineYou don't need to spend hours in front of the mirror to look great. Your free time is better spent doing things you love: hanging out with your honey, enjoying a day in the park or catching a great movie. After all, happiness is the most glamorous accessory a woman can have. But you don't want to feel completely exposed when you go out in the world. Here are four looks that can be achieved in three minutes or less, leaving you more time to go out and do your thing!Look #1: In the pinkNothing screams health like pink. Take a minute out of your morning rush to dab creamy blush on...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Laser Hair Removal New York

This information for laser hair removal new york. I hope this usefull for your information about laser hair removal washington dc, laser hair removal new virginia and other city.We spend a lot of time waxing, cutting, shaving, plucking away hair from unwanted places like legs, upper lip, chin, arms, back, and other such areas, only to find it growing back a short time later.In New York City, laser hair removal has become a very popular cosmetic procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair. Just try out the safe and economic process of new york city laser hair removal. In this method, a low-energy laser beam is used to remove unwanted hair. I can tell you for sure that unlike routine hair removal practices, this procedure offers long-lasting results. When the laser beam moves across the treatment...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Women's Health - 7 Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

This is a simple tips for you healthy pregnancy.It is always important to take whatever steps you can to be healthy, but while you are pregnant it is even more important:not only do you need to take good care of yourself, you are also profoundly affecting the life of another person - your baby. Here's 7 tips to help you along the way.1.If you smoke, one of the most important things you can do isto stop smoking:babies born to mothers who smoke have a lower average birth weight, are more likely to be born prematurely, and are at greater risk of death from sudden infant death syndrome than babies of non-smokers. Sometimes mothers feel having a low birth weight baby could be an advantage as it will make the baby easy to deliver. This is not necessarily the case, as it may lead to an emergency...

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