Monday, January 2, 2006

Diet scams : How to avoid getting ripped off

Have you ever received those tempting ads that seem
to arrive regularly in the post - seductive brochures
describing diet pills, patches and potions promising
miracles? They show you "proof". They have the
endorsements by medical and scientific "experts". They
have the pictures before and after. And they have no
end of guarantees, free gifts and other offers.

But when you look a bit deeper into the background of
these diet products, you find very little of substance.
With just a little research online you will see that you
can find nothing posted from any believable source
about the product or the experts depicted so

And you often see offer after offer sent by the same
company using the same return address.

Now the chances of a company hitting on a miracle
product once are remote but three such products in
one year? No way!

Whenever you receive something which sounds like it's
the answer to your prayers, stand back a little from the
hype and the excitement of finding a miracle solution to
your weight problems and think clearly.

Ask yourself "Is this another diet scam?"

Generally you'll avoid being ripped-off if you decide NOT
to buy those things you think the rest of the world has
missed. Believe me the world's press and TV (and
dieters everywhere) would ALL be shouting from the
roof tops if those weight loss patches, pills and potions
worked. It's unlikely you'd be the first to know because
the manufacturers would be telling the media about it
first and not just sending you a letter out of the blue.

If something sounds too good to be true - it probably
is. If something requires you to make no changes
whatsoever other than to take a diet pill or stick a
patch on your thigh then you can bet your bottom
dollar that there will be no visible changes in your body
size as a result either.

I know it's tempting, when you've struggled to lose
weight for a long time, to want to believe any promise
of a miracle that comes along. But please don't - you're
just letting yourself in for disappointment and
heartache that way. And you're only delaying the start
of the real process of losing weight - the day when you
finally realise you can only do this by sensible and
consistent changes in your eating and exercise habits.

Diet scams like the patches and pills on offer
everywhere will only ever reduce the contents of your
bank account and never the size of your thighs. It's
your choice whether you spend you money on healthy
food and running shoes or on miracle cures that will
never work but I know where I'd spend my hard-
earned cash.

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach and author of "The Diet Exit
Plan". Request her F.REE 15 page report "How to lose weight without
dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at TODAY!


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