Thursday, August 4, 2005

Tracheostomy tube in, stomach tube sheduled for tomorrow

Denise had her tracheostomy tube installed about 6pm this evening. All went well during the procedure. They scrambled to get her back to the CCU, and the oxygen saturation dropped, but all went back to "normal" once she got hooked up to all the machines again. The specialist started her on the ventilator at 100% (and 100% saturation) at about 7pm. I just called and they have her down to 70% oxygen and 94% saturation. Again, the goal is less oxygen, more saturation.
The tube through her abdomen and into the stomach is scheduled for 2pm tomorrow. Let's hope all this works.
The kids are really missing Denise. Gracie (3 1/2 years) even hugged & kissed the digital camera when, while cycling through pictures of a trip they went on today, she saw a picture of Denise from a couple weeks ago. My mom said that while she was changing Jacob (16 months), he said, "Mama?" No matter how much other family & friends do a stellar job of supporting us, they still ain't mommy.

A nurse friend emailed the following to me since it wouldn't fit within the limits of the comments. I thought it would be both enlightening and reassuring:
About the trach - if they're having trouble with the current endotracheal tube - you might as well go for the trach. This is going to be a long haul and Denise will be more comfortable with the tube in her neck (I know that doesn't sound true - but it is). When she's awake later - she can mouth words and keep her mouth rinsed out, etc. It's actually easier to "wean" her off the vent with a trach - eventually.

And the gastrostomy tube...might as well go for it at the same time. She'll be under anesthesia anyway - so cut down on the number of separate procedures that way. IF Denise can tolerate gastric feedings - over IV - it's much better. Keeps the gut working, decreased chance of blood infection from the TPN (IV nutrition).
They probably gave the Vanco to kill any roving bugs. It's a pretty big and strong gun. Is she having fevers? [yes]
As far as the saturation at 88-90% - we've accepted that level before so we can keep the oxygen at 60% or lower. I don't know of brain damage that patients have suffered from sats at this level. So good news!"


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