Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Feature: mallergies

This week's Friday Feature is an interview with Marie-Ida, creator of a food allergy resource called mallergies. This interactive site focuses on the latest trends in food allergies. With their own food allergy apparel line, great recipes and tons of resources, you'll find a wealth of information. Join me for this interview with the creator of mallergies:

What is your food allergy background?

At the age of 6 months, I had my first anaphylactic shock. While my parents were away, my grandparents decided to introduce some new foods to my baby diet. My granddad gave me a pinch of jam, honey, caramel and finally peanut butter. Instantly, I stopped breathing and they had to carry me to the village doctor. That day, the doctor diagnosed my peanut allergy.

I am extremely cautious with everything that may contain traces of peanuts and/or nuts and always carry an EpiPen® with me. I believe I have managed my food allergies pretty well. I traveled, studied and worked for several years in England and Australia. I never felt different over those years, except sometimes when I am restricted with my food choices in restaurant, bakeries, cafés and bistros.

I realize that I eat healthier and avoid junk food or fast food as they often handle or contain peanuts and nuts.

What are you passionate about in the food allergy field?

I mostly like the exchanges with people who experience food allergies. By looking at blogs, forums, Facebook Groups, Twitter and websites, I see that food allergy is a topic concerning many parents, children, teachers, caretakers, medical staff, etc.

I also see companies trying to modify their production by asking manufacturers to apply allergen free measures. Science and medicine are collaborating and trying to find a cure and remedies. Environmentalists, nutritionists and dietetics are debating on several issues which may have caused the increase of food allergies in the last decades. Food allergies touch many fields and for those reasons, I am always passionate to read and learn more about this health issue and condition that I have.

What else are you working on in the food allergy area?

Recently, I started my own business and website about the latest trends on food allergies named mallergies. Mallergies’ approach is to prevent food allergies while offering reassurance to allergic people and informing their relatives and entourage.

By the intermediary of this e-business, I wish to reach more people who are connected directly or indirectly by food allergies, around the world. I know, by personal experience, that anyone affected with a food allergy condition can at some point, be frustrated about the restriction of eating out or finding allergen free foods. Dynamic, informative and complete, mallergies is the online resources to use and access daily from the comfort of your home.

To date, prevention is the only way to control food allergies; therefore, information must be accessible to everyone affected directly or indirectly by food allergies and intolerances. Allergic individuals will find information on a wide variety of topics : allergens, food labeling, news, product reviews, reactions, recipes, resources, symptoms, and much more.

What are your favorite food allergy friendly food staples?

I recently discovered a yummy cupcake store called Petits Gateax in Montreal. The chef is very aware of food allergies because he has peanut and nut allergies and guarantees that none of these allergens are presented in his pastries.

I also like to purchase foods through the CAC (Certified Allergen Control) (in Canada).

What are some of your other interests/hobbies?

My other interests in life are cooking, traveling, learning languages, writing (in French and English), reading and skiing. My friends and family are very important in my life and we love to get together for catching up, coffees or long dinners.

Thank you Marie-Ida for creating this valuable resource and for sharing your story.


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