Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Learning Management Systems

Every day in my hospital life there is a new training or a new compliance requirement. Competencies and skills need to be refreshed, certifications updated, and new ideas disseminated.

To date, we've done this in a multitude of ways

A self built training system which presents PDFs or Powerpoints followed by online questions that are scored and stored electronically for use in certification processes.

A self built survey system which can be used to gather basic information from electronic forms.

A Peoplesoft HRMS system which stores data about employees

A Residency system which tracks Resident credentials, duty hours, and immunizations.

Ideally, we simplify all our competency documentation, training, and compliance in one (or a small few systems). Some of our requirements include

Training - Safety, Clinical

Compliance - HIPAA, Conflict of Interest

HR - Evaluation/Annual Review to ensure completion of institutional requirements, orientation, license, credentials

Health - flu tracking, TB testing

To begin the process, we established a steering committee and built a guiding coalition of stakeholders to move this forward. Here's the powerpoint we presented to them today.

Our next step is to write an RFP and explore vendor options.

I'll let you know what we decide.


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