FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network) is kicking off their conferences in Baltimore this Saturday, April 2. On April 16, the Chicago conference is scheduled in Oak Brook Illinois and the west coast conference will be in Anaheim California on June 11. In 2012, the Baltimore (east coast) conference will be in Tarrytown NY, so you may want to plan accordingly.
I have found these conferences to be helpful during our food allergy journey. The speakers range from doctors sharing new treatment and research information to teens talking about how they deal with food allergies every day. At lunch, attendees sit with "their zip code" in order to meet people who live close to you. Discussion of local schools and support groups often takes place during this meal.
There are special sessions for teens (ages 11-18), school nurses and adults with food allergy. Other sessions focus on 504 plans and preparing allergy-friendly foods.
Check out the schedule and consider whether a FAAN conference may help you better deal with food allergy this year.
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